CAR_cov_teeth {SMARTp}R Documentation

The within-mouth covariance matrix with conditional autoregressive structure


The covariance matrix of individual teeth measures for each subject follows a Conditional Autoregressive model (CAR) density


CAR_cov_teeth(m, rho, tau)



Maximum number of units in each cluster, i.e., 28 teeth in each mouth (the 4 third-molars are usually ignored)


Association parameter of the CAR model


Variation parameter of the CAR model


CAR_cov_teeth gives the covariance matrix among the teeth within each mouth based on the CAR structure (Besag et al., 1991), given the maximum number of teeth for each subject (mm), the variance (τ\tau), and the association (ρ\rho) parameters.

The CAR covariance matrix can be expressed as Σ28×28=τ2(WρD)1\Sigma_{28\times 28} = \tau^2 (W - \rho D)^{-1}, where τ2>0\tau^2 > 0, and ρ[0,1]\rho \in [0, 1] are the parameters that control the magnitude of variation and the degree of spatial association, respectively. For matrix DD, the element DttD_{tt'} is 1 if locations tt and tt' are adjacent and 0 otherwise. The matrix WW is diagonal with diagonal elements Wtt=tDttW_{tt} = \sum_{t'} D_{tt'}. Note, the argument τ\tau in CAR_cov_teeth is the variance, and not the standard deviation.


The covariance matrix among the teeth in each mouth (assuming full dentition, i.e., 28 teeth) based on a CAR model.


Jing Xu, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Douglas Azevedo, Bibhas Chakraborty


Besag, J., York, J. & Mollie, A. (1991), "Bayesian image restoration, with two applications in spatial statistics (With Discussion)", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 43, 159.

Reich, B. & Bandyopadhyay, D. (2010), "A latent factor model for spatial data with informative missingness", The Annals of Applied Statistics 4, 439–459.

See Also

MC_var_yibar_mis, SampleSize_SMARTp


m <- 28
rho <- 0.975
tau <- 0.85
Sigma <- CAR_cov_teeth(m = m, rho = rho, tau = tau)

[Package SMARTp version 0.1.1 Index]