SLFPCA {SLFPCA} | R Documentation |
Sparse logistic functional principal component analysis
Sparse logistic functional principal component analysis (SLFPCA) for binary data. The estimated eigenfunctions from SLFPCA can be strictly zero on some sub-intervals, which is helpful for interpretation.
nRegGrid = 51,
bwmu_init = 0.5,
bwcov_init = 1,
itermax = 100,
tol = 10
Ly |
A |
Lt |
A |
interval |
A |
npc |
An integer denoting the number of FPCs. |
L_list |
A |
norder |
An integer denoting the order of the using B-spline basis, which is one higher than their degree. |
kappa_theta |
A |
sparse_pen |
A |
nRegGrid |
An integer denoting the number of equally spaced time points in the supporting interval. The eigenfunctions and mean function are estimated at these equally spaced time points first, before transforming into functional data object. (default: 51) |
bwmu_init |
A scalar denoting the bandwidth for mean function estimation in the setting of initial values. (default: 0.5) |
bwcov_init |
A scalar denoting the bandwidth for covariance function estimation in the setting of initial values. (default: 1) |
kappa_mu |
A |
itermax |
An integer denoting the maximum number of iterations. (default: 100) |
tol |
A scalar. When difference of the loglikelihood functions between two consecutive iteration is less than |
A list
containing the following components:
mufd |
A functional data object for the mean function estimate. |
eigfd_list |
A |
score |
A n by |
kappa_mu |
A scalar denoting the selected smoothing parameter for mean function. |
kappa_theta |
A scalar denoting the selected smoothing parameter for eigenfunctions. |
sparse_pen |
A scalar denoting the selected sparseness parameter for eigenfunctions. |
L_select |
A scalar denoting the selected number of B-spline basis functions. |
EBICscore |
A |
Rou Zhong, Shishi Liu, Haocheng Li, Jingxiao Zhang. Sparse logistic functional principal component analysis for binary data. Statistics and Computing, 33, 15 (2023).
#Generate data
n <- 100
npc <- 1
interval <- c(0, 10)
gridequal <- seq(0, 10, length.out = 51)
basis <- fda::create.bspline.basis(c(0, 10), nbasis = 13, norder = 4,
breaks = seq(0, 10, length.out = 11))
meanfun <- function(t){2 * sin(pi * t/5)/sqrt(5)}
lambda_1 <- 3^2 #the first eigenvalue
score <- cbind(rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(lambda_1)))
eigfun <- list()
eigfun[[1]] <- function(t){cos(pi * t/5)/sqrt(5)}
eigfd <- list()
for(i in 1:npc){
eigfd[[i]] <- fda::smooth.basis(gridequal, eigfun[[i]](gridequal), basis)$fd
DataNew <- GenBinaryFD(n, interval, sparse = 8:12, regular = FALSE,
meanfun = meanfun, score, eigfd)
SLFPCA_list <- SLFPCA(DataNew$Ly, DataNew$Lt, interval, npc, L_list = 13,
norder = 4, kappa_theta = 0.2, sparse_pen = 0, kappa_mu = 0)