prob_discr_pairwise {SLEMI}R Documentation

Calculates Probability of pairwise discrimination


Estimates probabilities of correct discrimination (PCDs) between each pair of input/signal values using a logistic regression model.


  signal = "input",
  response = NULL,
  side_variables = NULL,
  formula_string = NULL,
  output_path = NULL,
  scale = TRUE,
  lr_maxit = 1000,
  MaxNWts = 5000,
  diagnostics = TRUE



must be a data.frame object


is a character object with names of columns of dataRaw to be treated as channel's input.


is a character vector with names of columns of dataRaw to be treated as channel's output


(optional) is a character vector that indicates side variables' columns of data, if NULL no side variables are included


(optional) is a character object that includes a formula syntax to use in logistic regression model. If NULL, a standard additive model of response variables is assumed. Only for advanced users.


is a directory where a pie chart with calculated probabilities will be saved. If NULL, the graph will not be created.


is a logical indicating if the response variables should be scaled and centered before fitting logistic regression


is a maximum number of iteration of fitting algorithm of logistic regression. Default is 1000.


is a maximum acceptable number of weights in logistic regression algorithm. Default is 5000.


is a logical indicating if details of logistic regression fitting should be included in output list


In order to estimate PCDs, for a given pair of input values xix_i and xjx_j, we propose to fit a logistic regression model using response data corresponding to the two considered inputs, i.e. yuly^l_u, for l{i,j}l\in\{i,j\} and uu ranging from 1 to nln_l. To ensure that both inputs have equal contribution to the calculated discriminability, equal probabilities should be assigned, P(X)=(P(xi),P(xj))=(1/2,1/2)P(X) = (P(x_i),P(x_j))=(1/2,1/2). Once the regression model is fitted, probability of assigning a given cellular response, yy, to the correct input value is estimated as

max{P^lr(xiY=y;P(X)),P^lr(xjY=y;P(X))}.\max \{ \hat{P}_{lr}(x_i|Y=y;P(X)), \hat{P}_{lr}(x_j|Y=y;P(X))\}.

Note that P(xjY=y)=1P(xiY=y)P(x_j|Y=y)=1-P(x_i|Y=y) as well as P^lr(xjY=y;P(X))=1P^lr(xiY=y;P(X))\hat{P}_{lr}(x_j|Y=y;P(X))=1-\hat{P}_{lr}(x_i|Y=y;P(X)) The average of the above probabilities over all observations yliy^i_l yields PCDs

PCDxi,xj=121nil=1nimax{P^lr(xiY=yil;P(X)),P^lr(xilY=y;P(X))}+PCD_{x_i,x_j}=\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{n_i}\sum_{l=1}^{n_i}\max\{ \hat{P}_{lr}(x_i|Y=y_i^l;P(X)),\hat{P}_{lr}(x_i^l|Y=y;P(X))\} +

121njl=1njmax{P^lr(xiY=yjl;P(X)),P^lr(xjY=yjl;P(X))}. \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{n_j} \sum_{l=1}^{n_j} \max \{ \hat{P}_{lr}(x_i|Y=y_j^l;P(X)), \hat{P}_{lr}(x_j|Y=y_j^l;P(X))\}.

Additional parameters: lr_maxit and maxNWts are the same as in definition of multinom function from nnet package. An alternative model formula (using formula_string arguments) should be provided if data are not suitable for description by logistic regression (recommended only for advanced users). Preliminary scaling of data (argument scale) should be used similarly as in other data-driven approaches, e.g. if response variables are comparable, scaling (scale=FALSE) can be omitted, while if they represent different phenomenon (varying by units and/or magnitude) scaling is recommended.


a list with two elements:


[1] Jetka T, Nienaltowski K, Winarski T, Blonski S, Komorowski M, Information-theoretic analysis of multivariate single-cell signaling responses using SLEMI, PLoS Comput Biol, 15(7): e1007132, 2019,


## Calculate probabilities of discrimination for nfkb dataset
 it=21 # choose from 0, 3, 6, ..., 120 for measurements at other time points
                            signal = "signal",
                           response = paste0("response_",it))

[Package SLEMI version 1.0.2 Index]