calculate_lambda_threshold |
Calculate the significance threshold for Lambda. |
find_B0 |
Calculate B0 |
find_T0 |
Calculate T0 for a given list of glass fragments and features. |
find_T2 |
Calculate Hotelling's T^2 Statistic for two independent multivariate samples. |
generate_indices |
Generate a test array of Glass-Fragment Refractive Indices. |
glass |
glass |
glass2 |
glass2 |
has.children |
has.children |
order_euclid |
Order a list of data frames containing numerical columns by their euclidean distance to the mean. |
partition |
Create Partitions of an RI array. |
partition.multi |
Create Partitions of a multivariate array of objects. |
plot.sk_partition_tree |
Plot S3method for objects of type "sk_partition_tree". |
prepare_data |
prepare_data |
ptsquared |
Calculate the Probability for a given T^2 statistic. |
ungroup.partition |
ungroup.partition | | |