Moderated multiple regression
Conducts moderated regression analyses for two-way interactions with extensive options for interaction plots, including Johnson-Neyman regions of significance. The output includes the Anova Table (Type III tests), standardized coefficients, partial and semi-partial correlations, collinearity statistics, casewise regression diagnostics, plots of residuals and regression diagnostics, and detailed information about simple slopes.
IV_type = 'numeric', IV_range = 'tumble',
MOD_type='numeric', MOD_levels='quantiles', MOD_range=NULL,
quantiles_IV = c(.1, .9), quantiles_MOD = c(.25, .5, .75),
center = TRUE,
plot_type = 'residuals', plot_title = NULL, DV_range = NULL,
Xaxis_label = NULL, Yaxis_label = NULL, legend_label = NULL,
JN_type = 'Huitema',
verbose = TRUE )
data |
A dataframe where the rows are cases and the columns are the variables. |
DV |
The name of the dependent variable.
IV |
The name of the independent variable.
The name of the moderator variable
IV_type |
(optional) The type of independent variable. The
options are 'numeric' (the default) or 'factor'.
IV_range |
(optional) The independent variable range for a moderated regression plot. The options are:
Example: IV_range = 'AikenWest' |
MOD_type |
(optional) The type of moderator variable. The
options are 'numeric' (the default) or 'factor'.
MOD_levels |
(optional) The levels of the moderator variable to be used if MOD is continuous. The options are:
Example: MOD_levels = c(1, 10) |
MOD_range |
(optional) The range of the MOD values to be used in the Johnson-Neyman regions
of significance analyses. The options are:
NULL (the default), in which case the minimum and maximum MOD values will be used; and
a vector of two user-provided values.
quantiles_IV |
(optional) The quantiles of the independent variable to be used as the IV range for
a moderated regression plot.
quantiles_MOD |
(optional) The quantiles the moderator variable to be used as the MOD simple slope
values in the moderated regression analyses.
(optional) The name(s) of possible covariates.
center |
(optional) Logical, indicating whether the IV and MOD variables should be centered
(default = TRUE).
plot_type |
(optional) The kind of plot, if any. The options are:
Example: plot_type = 'diagnostics' |
plot_title |
(optional) The plot title.
DV_range |
(optional) The range of Y-axis values for the plot.
Xaxis_label |
(optional) A label for the X axis to be used in the requested plot.
Yaxis_label |
(optional) A label for the Y axis to be used in the requested plot.
legend_label |
(optional) A legend label for the plot.
JN_type |
(optional) The formula to be used in computing the critical F value for the
Johnson-Neyman regions of significance analyses. The options are 'Huitema' (the default),
or 'Pedhazur'.
verbose |
Should detailed results be displayed in console? The options are: TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE, plots of residuals are also produced. |
An object of class "MODERATED_REGRESSION". The object is a list containing the following possible components:
modelMAINsum |
All of the summary.lm function output for the regression model without interaction terms. |
anova_table |
Anova Table (Type III tests). |
mainRcoefs |
Predictor coefficients for the model without interaction terms. |
modeldata |
All of the predictor and outcome raw data that were used in the model, along with regression diagnostic statistics for each case. |
collin_diags |
Collinearity diagnostic coefficients for models without interaction terms. |
modelXNsum |
Regression model statistics with interaction terms. |
RsqchXn |
Rsquared change for the interaction. |
fsquaredXN |
fsquared change for the interaction. |
xnRcoefs |
Predictor coefficients for the model with interaction terms. |
simslop |
The simple slopes. |
simslopZ |
The standardized simple slopes. |
plotdon |
The plot data for a moderated regression. | |
The Johnson-Neyman results for a moderated regression. |
ros |
The Johnson-Neyman regions of significance for a moderated regression. |
Brian P. O'Connor
Bodner, T. E. (2016). Tumble graphs: Avoiding misleading end point extrapolation when
graphing interactions from a moderated multiple regression analysis.
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 41, 593-604.
Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied
multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences (3rd ed.).
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Darlington, R. B., & Hayes, A. F. (2017). Regression analysis and linear models:
Concepts, applications, and implementation. Guilford Press.
Hayes, A. F. (2018a). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process
analysis: A regression-based approach (2nd ed.). Guilford Press.
Hayes, A. F., & Montoya, A. K. (2016). A tutorial on testing, visualizing, and probing
an interaction involving a multicategorical variable in linear regression analysis.
Communication Methods and Measures, 11, 1-30.
O'Connor, B. P. (1998). All-in-one programs for exploring interactions in moderated
multiple regression. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 58, 833-837.
Pedhazur, E. J. (1997). Multiple regression in behavioral research: Explanation
and prediction. (3rd ed.). Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
# moderated regression -- with IV_range = 'AikenWest'
MODERATED_REGRESSION(data=data_Lorah_Wong_2018, DV='suicidal', IV='burden', MOD='belong_thwarted',
quantiles_IV=c(.1, .9), quantiles_MOD=c(.25, .5, .75),
center = TRUE, COVARS='depression',
plot_type = 'interaction', plot_title=NULL, DV_range = c(1,1.25))
# moderated regression -- with IV_range = 'tumble'
MODERATED_REGRESSION(data=data_Lorah_Wong_2018, DV='suicidal', IV='burden', MOD='belong_thwarted',
quantiles_IV=c(.1, .9), quantiles_MOD=c(.25, .5, .75),
center = TRUE, COVARS='depression',
plot_type = 'interaction', plot_title=NULL, DV_range = c(1,1.25))
# moderated regression -- with numeric values for IV_range & MOD_levels='AikenWest'
MODERATED_REGRESSION(data=data_OConnor_Dvorak_2001, DV='Aggressive_Behavior',
IV='Maternal_Harshness', MOD='Resiliency',
MOD_levels='AikenWest', MOD_range=NULL,
quantiles_IV=c(.1, .9), quantiles_MOD=c(.25, .5, .75),
center = FALSE,
plot_type = 'interaction',
DV_range = c(1,6),
Xaxis_label='Maternal Harshness',
Yaxis_label='Adolescent Aggressive Behavior',