cdffeedback |
Feedback for the elicited distribution of the population CDF |
cdfplot |
Plot distribution of CDF |
compareGroupRIO |
Compare individual elicited distributions with linear pool and RIO distribution |
compareIntervals |
Plot fitted intervals for each expert |
condDirichlet |
Elicit a Dirichlet distribution interactively |
copulaSample |
Generate correlated samples from elicited marginal distributions using a multivariate normal copula |
elicit |
Elicit judgements and fit distributions interactively |
elicitBivariate |
Elicit a bivariate distribution using a Gaussian copula |
elicitConcProb |
Elicit a bivariate distribution using a Gaussian copula |
elicitDirichlet |
Elicit a Dirichlet distribution interactively |
elicitExtension |
Elicitation with the extension method |
elicitHeterogen |
Elicit a prior distribution for a random effects variance parameter |
elicitMixture |
Elicit a mixture distribution using the extension method |
elicitMultiple |
Elicit individual judgements and fit distributions for multiple experts |
elicitQuartiles |
Elicit judgements and fit distributions interactively |
elicitTertiles |
Elicit judgements and fit distributions interactively |
feedback |
Report quantiles and probabilities from the fitted probability distributions |
feedbackDirichlet |
Calculate quantiles for the marginal distributions of a Dirichlet distribution |
fitDirichlet |
Fit a Dirichlet distribution to elicited marginal distributions for proportions |
fitdist |
Fit distributions to elicited probabilities |
fitprecision |
Fit a distribution to judgements about a population precision |
generateReport |
Generate a report to show the fitted distributions |
linearPoolDensity |
Obtain points on the density function of a linear pool |
makeCDFPlot |
Plot the elicited cumulative probabilities |
pdfplots |
Plot fitted population pdfs |
plinearpool |
Probabilities quantiles and samples from a (weighted) linear pool |
plotConditionalDensities |
Plot density of the target variable, conditional on the extension variable |
plotConditionalMedianFunction |
Plot the conditional median function |
plotfit |
Plot the fitted density function for one or more experts |
plotQuartiles |
Plot elicited quartiles, median and plausible range for each expert |
plotTertiles |
Plot elicted tertiles, median and plausible range for each expert |
qlinearpool |
Probabilities quantiles and samples from a (weighted) linear pool |
rlinearpool |
Probabilities quantiles and samples from a (weighted) linear pool |
roulette |
Elicit judgements and fit distributions interactively |
sampleFit |
Sample from the elicited distributions |
sampleMarginalFit |
Sample from the marginal distribution of the target variable |