Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories

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Documentation for package ‘SGP’ version 2.1-0.0

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SGP-package SGP: Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories
abcSGP Perform 6 step sequence: prepareSGP, analyzeSGP, combineSGP, summarizeSGP, visualizeSGP, and outputSGP
analyzeSGP Analyze student data to produce student growth percentiles and student growth projections
as.splineMatrix Class "splineMatrix"
baselineSGP Analyze student data to produce student growth percentiles and coefficient matrices from a baseline (i.e. multiple cohort) norm group
bubblePlot Core bubblePlot function for SGP
bubblePlot_Styles bubblePlot_Styles providing various uses of the core bubblePlot function
capwords Function for converting all caps to mixed case. Useful in data cleaning.
combineSGP Combine student data and SGP results
courseProgressionSGP Identify potential course progressions for SGP analyses
createKnotsBoundaries Function to create Knots and Boundaries from supplied data in LONG format.
getStateAbbreviation Function for converting state/organization abbreviations to long form and back.
gofPrint Function to produce Goodness of Fit plots from a SGP object.
gofSGP Function for producing goodness of fit plots using existing SGP object
growthAchievementPlot growthAchievementPlot for SGP
is.SGP Class "SGP"
is.splineMatrix Class "splineMatrix"
outputSGP Output student data and SGP results for a variety of purposes
prepareSGP Prepare data for SGP analyses
rliSGP Wrapper function associated with SGP analyses for Renaissance Learning Incorporated (RLI) interim STAR assessments.
setNamesSGP Function for renaming data (typically from 'outputSGP') from a state/organization naming conventions to those used in the SGP package
SGP SGP: Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories
SGP-class Class "SGP"
SGPstateData State assessment program data from large scale state assessments for use with SGP package
splineMatrix-class Class "splineMatrix"
studentGrowthPercentiles Student Growth Percentiles
studentGrowthPlot Create a student growth and achievement chart
studentGrowthPlot_Styles studentGrowthPlot_Styles providing base templates for the core studentGrowthPlot function
studentGrowthProjections Student Growth Projections
summarizeSGP Summarize student scale scores, proficiency levels and student growth percentiles according to user specified summary group variables
testSGP Test SGP Package functions
updateSGP Function to update SGP object with additional year's analyses
visualizeSGP Visualize data from SGP analyses