htcIdentifyStep {SEMID} | R Documentation |
Perform one iteration of HTC identification.
A function that does one step through all the nodes in a mixed graph and tries to identify new edge coefficients using the existence of half-trek systems as described in Foygel, Draisma, Drton (2012).
htcIdentifyStep(mixedGraph, unsolvedParents, solvedParents, identifier)
mixedGraph |
a |
unsolvedParents |
a list whose ith index is a vector of all the parents j of i in G which for which the edge j->i is not yet known to be generically identifiable. |
solvedParents |
the complement of |
identifier |
an identification function that must produce the
identifications corresponding to those in solved parents. That is
such that if j is in |
a list with four components:
a matrix rx2 matrix where r is the number of edges that where identified by this function call and
identifiedEdges[i,1] -> identifiedEdges[i,2]
was the ith edge identifiedunsolvedParents
as the input argument but updated with any newly identified edges
as the input argument but updated with any newly identified edges
as the input argument but updated with any newly identified edges
Foygel, R., Draisma, J., and Drton, M. (2012) Half-trek criterion for generic identifiability of linear structural equation models. Ann. Statist. 40(3): 1682-1713