ancestralIdentifyStep {SEMID}R Documentation

Perform one iteration of ancestral identification.


A function that does one step through all the nodes in a mixed graph and tries to determine if directed edge coefficients are generically identifiable by leveraging decomposition by ancestral subsets. See Algorithm 1 of Drton and Weihs (2015); this version of the algorithm is somewhat different from Drton and Weihs (2015) in that it also works on cyclic graphs.


ancestralIdentifyStep(mixedGraph, unsolvedParents, solvedParents, identifier)



a MixedGraph object representing the mixed graph.


a list whose ith index is a vector of all the parents j of i in G which for which the edge j->i is not yet known to be generically identifiable.


the complement of unsolvedParents, a list whose ith index is a vector of all parents j of i for which the edge i->j is known to be generically identifiable (perhaps by other algorithms).


an identification function that must produce the identifications corresponding to those in solved parents. That is identifier should be a function taking a single argument Sigma (any generically generated covariance matrix corresponding to the mixed graph) and returns a list with two named arguments


denote the number of nodes in mixedGraph as n. Then Lambda is an nxn matrix whose i,jth entry

  1. equals 0 if i is not a parent of j,

  2. equals NA if i is a parent of j but identifier cannot identify it generically,

  3. equals the (generically) unique value corresponding to the weight along the edge i->j that was used to produce Sigma.


just as Lambda but for the bidirected edges in the mixed graph

such that if j is in solvedParents[[i]] we must have that Lambda[j,i] is not NA.


a list with four components:


a matrix rx2 matrix where r is the number of edges that where identified by this function call and identifiedEdges[i,1] -> identifiedEdges[i,2] was the ith edge identified


as the input argument but updated with any newly identified edges


as the input argument but updated with any newly identified edges


as the input argument but updated with any newly identified edges


Drton, M. and Weihs, L. (2015) Generic Identifiability of Linear Structural Equation Models by Ancestor Decomposition. arXiv 1504.02992

[Package SEMID version 0.4.1 Index]