SEA-package {SEA} | R Documentation |
Segregation Analysis
A few major genes and a series of polygene are responsive for each quantitative trait. Major genes are individually identified while polygene is collectively detected. This is mixed major genes plus polygene inheritance analysis or segregation analysis (SEA). In the SEA, phenotypes from a single or multiple bi-parental segregation populations along with their parents are used to fit all the possible models and the best model for population phenotypic distributions is viewed as the model of the trait. There are fourteen types of population combinations available. Zhang Yuan-Ming, Gai Jun-Yi, Yang Yong-Hua (2003, <doi:10.1017/S0016672303006141>), and Wang Jing-Tian, Zhang Ya-Wen, Du Ying-Wen, Ren Wen-Long, Li Hong-Fu, Sun Wen-Xian, Ge Chao, and Zhang Yuan-Ming(2022, <doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.14088>)
Package: | SEA |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.0.1 |
Date: | 2022-03-28 |
Depends: | shiny,MASS,doParallel,foreach |
Imports: | KScorrect,kolmim,utils,stats,grDevices,graphics,data.table |
License: | GPL(>=2) |
LazyLoad: | yes |
Users can use 'SEA()' start the GUI.
Wang Jing-Tian, Zhang Ya-Wen, and Zhang Yuan-Ming
Maintainer: Yuanming Zhang<>
The EIM algorithm in the joint segregation analysis of quantitative traits. Zhang Yuan-Ming*,Gai Junyi,Yang Yonghua(2003).
## Not run: SEA()