learning_motivation {SDT}R Documentation

Learning Motivation Data


A dataset containing the aggregate learning motivation scores for the subscales of intrinsic regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, and external regulation of a total number of 1,1501,150 students.




A data frame with 1,1501,150 rows and 66 variables:


integer vector, female (=1= 1) and male (=2= 2)


integer vector, years


numeric vector, aggregate intrinsic regulation subscale motivation scores


numeric vector, aggregate identified regulation subscale motivation scores


numeric vector, aggregate introjected regulation subscale motivation scores


numeric vector, aggregate external regulation subscale motivation scores


The variables intrinsic, identified, introjected, and external of the data frame learning_motivation contain aggregate subscale scores in the sense that the scores are the means taken over all raw-data test items that make up a respective subscale.


Mueller, F. H. and Hanfstingl, B. and Andreitz, I. (2007) Skalen zur motivationalen Regulation beim Lernen von Schuelerinnen und Schuelern: adaptierte und ergaenzte Version des Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A) nach Ryan & Connell [Scales of motivational regulation for student learning: adapted and supplemented version of the Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A) by Ryan & Connell] (Transl. A. Uenlue). In Institut fuer Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung (Ed.), Wissenschaftliche Beitraege [Scientific Contributions] (Transl. A. Uenlue) (pp. 1–17). Klagenfurt, Austria: Alpen-Adria-Universitaet.

See Also

The three main functions of the package: internalization for motivation internalization analysis of the data; sdi for the orginal and adjusted SDI or RAI index of the data; and simplex for motivation simplex structure analysis of the data. See also SDT-package for general information about this package.

[Package SDT version 1.0.0 Index]