blmpSDPD |
Bayesian log-marginal posterior probabilities for spatial panel models |
coef.SDPDm |
Extract coefficients from model of class SDPDm |
DDistMat |
Double-Power Distance Weights Matrix |
DistWMat |
Distance weights matrix (Inverse distance, Exponential distance or Double-Distance matrix) |
eignor |
Maximum eigenvalue normalization |
ExpDistMat |
Exponential distance matrix |
gN3dist |
Distance between the centroids of NUTS3 regions in Germany |
impactsSDPDm |
Impacts for 'SDPDm' objects |
InvDistMat |
Inverse distance matrix |
isrownor |
Is the matrix row-normalized |
mNearestN |
m nearest neighbors based on a distance matrix |
mOrdNbr |
1st to m-th order neighbors matrix |
print.blmpSDPD |
Print for class blmpSDPD |
print.SDPDm |
print for class SDPDm |
print.summary.impactsSDPDm |
Print summary for class impactsSDPDm |
print.summary.SDPDm |
Print of summary for class SDPDm |
rownor |
Row-normalization |
Spatial dynamic panel data lag model with fixed effects maximum likelihood estimation. |
SharedBMat |
Shared boundary matrix |
summary.impactsSDPDm |
Summary for class impactsSDPDm |
summary.SDPDm |
Summary for class SDPDm |
usa46 |
Spatial weights matrix of 46 USA states |