intervals_ex40 {SDAResources}R Documentation

Interval estimates using SRS formulae and formulae appropriate for cluster samples


Simulate a population of clusters, then draw a simple random sample of clusters and construct interval estimates using incorrect SRS formulae and formulae appropriate for cluster samples.


intervals_ex40(groupcorr, numintervals, groupsize, 
sampgroups, popgroups, mu, sigma)



The intracluster correlation coefficient rho


Number of samples to be taken from population


Number of elements in each population cluster


Number of clusters to be sampled


Number of clusters in population


Mean for generating population


Standard deviation for generating population


SRS_cover_prob: proportion of intervals using SRS formulae that include the true population mean mu

cl_cover_prob: proportion of intervals using cluster sampling formulae that include the true population mean mu

SRS_mean_CI_width: the average width of the interval estimates from SRS

Cluster_mean_CI_width: the average width of the interval estimates from cluster sampling

Replicate: Simulation replicate

srs_lci: lower limit of CI from SRS

srs_uci: upper limit of CI from SRS

clus_lci: lower limit of CI from cluster sampling

clus_uci: upper limit of CI from cluster sampling

scatter plot: first graph shows scatter plot of the last simulated sample

CI plots: second graph shows interval estimates produced for each sample if analyzed as an SRS (with red interval not containing the true parameter), and the third shows the interval estimates produced for each sample when analyzed as a cluster sample.


# default setting
intervals_ex40(groupcorr = 0, numintervals = 100, groupsize = 5, 
sampgroups = 10, popgroups = 5000,mu = 0, sigma = 1)
# change groupcorr and leave others as default setting
intervals_ex40(groupcorr = 0.3)
intervals_ex40(groupcorr = 0.7, numintervals = 100, groupsize = 5, 
sampgroups = 10, popgroups = 5000,mu = 0, sigma = 1)

[Package SDAResources version 0.1.1 Index]