SDAR {SDAR}R Documentation

SDAR: A Toolkit for Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R


SDAR is an analytical package designed for both plotting and facilitating the analysis of stratigraphic and sedimentological data. Taking advantage of the flexible plotting tools available in R, SDAR uses stratigraphic and sedimentological data to produce detailed graphic logs for outcrop sections and borehole logs. These logs can include multiple features (e.g., bed thickness, lithology, samples, sedimentary structures, colors, fossil content, bioturbation index, electrical logs).

This package includes a dataset giving a lithologic description for borehole Saltarin 1A. The Saltarin core was described at a scale of 1:50 for identification of grain-size trends, sedimentary structures, clast composition, thickness of lamination, bioturbation patterns, and macrofossil identification (Bayona, et al. 2008).

Installation and updates

To install this package do:



The releases of this package is licensed under GPL version 2 or newer.


I would like to thank geologists from STRI, Corporacion Geologica ARES, and Instituto Colombiano del Petroleo (ICP-ECOPETROL) for supporting the SDAR project and for giving me many exciting ideas and much geological knowledge. Moreover, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Edzer Pebesma (Institute for Geoinformatics), and to my co-supervisors, Prof. Dr. Sebastien Castelltort (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva) and Prof. Dr. Jorge Mateu (Department of Mathematics, University Jaume I). They contributed to this project with their valuable ideas and helpful advice. Furthermore, I am much indebted to G. Bayona, M. Baquero, F. Moreno, C. D Apolito, A. Cardenas, and C. Montes for their valuable critical reviews. Finally, I also acknowledge the R Core Team and its large group of R contributors for their hard work.

Financial support of this research was provided by Colciencias (partly funding the master studies of the main author), Fundacion para la Promocion de la Investigacion y la Tecnologia del Banco de la Republica, (Colombia), and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the Anders Foundation, 1923 Fund, and Gregory D. and Jennifer Walston Johnson.

The Saltarin 1A well dataset for this analysis, was provided by Alejandro Mora of **HOCOL S.A.**


Author: John R. Ortiz [aut, cre],
Carlos Jaramillo [aut] (author support and guidance),
Carlos Moreno [ctb].
Maintainer: <John R. Ortiz <>


Bayona, G., Valencia, A., Mora, A., Rueda, M., Ortiz, Johan., Montenegro, O. 2008. Estratigrafia y procedencia de las rocas del Mioceno en la parte distal de la cuenca antepais de los Llanos de Colombia. Geologia Colombiana, 33, 23-46.

[Package SDAR version 0.9-55 Index]