errorObs {SCEPtER}R Documentation

Perturbe a set of observational data


The function returns a perturbed object, starting from observational data and a vector of uncertainties.


    errorObs(sigma, STAR, parallel=FALSE, corr=0)



a vector of 7 elements containing the uncertainties on observational data. The error on seismic parameters must be expressed as percentage.


a vector of 7 elements containing the observational data.


logical flag specifying if the computation should be performed in parallel on a multi-core architecture.


the value of assumed the correlation between asteroseismic parameters. Default to zero (no correlation).


The vector of observations STAR must contain, in the order:

  1. The effective temperature (in K) of the star.

  2. The logarithm of the surface gravity of the star (in cm s^-2).

  3. The metallicity [Fe/H] of the star.

  4. The value of large frequency separation of the star, divided by the solar value of this quantity.

  5. The value of the frequency of maximum oscillation power of the star, divided by the solar value of this quantity.

  6. The mass (in solar units) of the star (if known).

  7. The radius (in solar unit) of the star (if known).

The vector of the uncertainties on the observation sigma must contain the uncertainty on the above quantity. The uncertainty on the last two values must be expressed as relative error.


errorObs returns an object obtained sampling from a multivariate normal distribution with vector of mean star and covariance matrix diag(sigma^2), with elements (4,5) and (5,4) modified according to the value of corr.

[Package SCEPtER version 0.2-4 Index]