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Data on intussusception and OPV
The data comprise ages in days at intussusception and oral polio vaccine (OPV) from Cuba. There are 273 intussusceptions in 273 children. The ages have been jittered.
A data frame containing 273 rows and 7 columns. The column names are 'case' (individual identifier), 'intus' (age at intussusception), 'sta' (age on first day of the observation period), 'end' (age on last day of the observation period), 'opv' (age at first dose of OPV), 'opvd2' (age at second dose of OPV), 'dob' (date of birth, in ddmmyyyy format).
Sardinas, M.A.G., Cardenas, A.z., Marie, G.c., Santiago, M.A., Sanchez, M.V., and Farrington C. P. (2001). Lack of association between intussusception and oral polio vaccine in Cuban children. European Journal of Epidemiology 17 (8), 783-787.