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Data on MMR and aseptic meningitis
The data comprise ages in days at measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination and hospital admission for aseptic meningitis. There are 10 admissions in 10 children.
A data frame containing 10 rows and 5 columns. The column names are 'case' (individual identifier), 'sta' (age on first day of the observation period), 'end' (age on last day of the observation period), 'am' (age at admission for aseptic meningitis, with a confirmed diagnosis of viral meningitis), and 'mmr' (age at mmr vaccination).
Whitaker, H. J., Farrington, C. P., Spiessens, B., and Musonda, P. (2006). Tutorial in biostatistics: The self-controlled case series method. Statistics in Medicine 25, 1768–1797.
Miller, E., Goldacre, M., Pugh, S., Colville, A., Farrington, C.P., Flower, A., Nash, J., MacFarlane, L. and Tettmar, R. Risk of aseptic meningitis after measles, mumps and rubella vaccine in UK children (1993). The Lancet 341, 979–982.