Ryacas0-package {Ryacas0}R Documentation

R interface to yacas computer algebra package


Ryacas0 allows one to use the yacas computer algebra package entirely from within R. It takes an R expression, an R one line function or a yacas string and returns an R expression or a variety of other formats. It can be used for symbolic mathematics, exact arithmetic, ASCII pretty printing and R to TeX conversions. The main command is yacas and ?yacas provides some information on installation and startup.


The following are sources of information on "Ryacas0":

DESCRIPTION file library(help = Ryacas0)
List of demo files demo(package = "Ryacas0")
Demo file demo("Ryacas0")
Demo demo("Ryacas0-PrettyPrinter")
Demo demo("Ryacas0-Function")
Demo demo("Ryacas0-Sym")
Demo demo("Ryacas0-Expr")
List Vignettes vignette(package = "Ryacas0")
Vignette vignette("Ryacas0")
This File package?Ryacas0
Help files ?yacas, ?yacasTranslations, ?yacmode, ?Sym
Help files - Windows ?yacasInstall
News RShowDoc("NEWS", package = "Ryacas0")
Acknowledgements RShowDoc("THANKS", package = "Ryacas0")
Wish List RShowDoc("WISHLIST", package = "Ryacas0")
Home page https://github.com/r-cas/ryacas0/


There is a note in the help file of the yacas command that discusses a number of installation and startup issues.


print(yacas(expression(integrate(1/x, x))))
x <- Sym("x"); Integrate(1/x, x)

[Package Ryacas0 version 0.4.4 Index]