R Interface to the 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System

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Documentation for package ‘Ryacas’ version 1.1.5

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Ryacas-package R interface to yacas computer algebra package
%*% Matrix multiplication
as.character.yac_symbol Convert yac symbol to character
as_r Convert yacas object to R
as_y Convert R vector/matrix to yacas vector (list) or matrix (list of lists)
cbind.yac_symbol Combine R Objects by Columns
deriv.yac_symbol Find the derivative of yac symbol
det Matrix Determinant
diag Matrix diagonals
diag<- Matrix diagonals
Hessian Find the Hessian matrix of yac symbol
integrate Integration of Functions
Jacobian Find the Jacobian matrix of yac symbol
lim Limits
lower.tri Lower and upper triangular part of a matrix
Math.yac_symbol Math functions
Ops.yac_symbol Math operators
pow Matrix Power
pow.default Matrix Power
prod.yac_symbol Product of Vector Elements
rbind.yac_symbol Combine R Objects by Rows
simplify Simplify expression
solve.yac_symbol Solve a system of equations
sum.yac_symbol Summation
t t
t.yac_symbol t
tex Export object to TeX
tr Matrix Trace
tr.default Matrix Trace
upper.tri Lower and upper triangular part of a matrix
vec Vectorize
vec.default Vectorize
vech Half-Vectorize
vech.default Half-Vectorize
with_value Give a variable a value
yac Run yacas command
yac_assign Assign yacas variable
yac_cli yacas command line interface
yac_expr Run yacas command returning R expression
yac_silent Run yacas command silently
yac_str Run yacas command returning string/character
yac_symbol Make a yacas symbol
ysym Make a yacas symbol
ysym_ls List defined yac_symbols
y_eval Evaluate a yacas expression
y_fn Prepare simple 'yacas' call
y_print Pretty print yacas strings
y_rmvars Remove/strip variable names
[.yac_symbol Extract or replace parts of an object
[<-.yac_symbol Extract or replace parts of an object
[[.yac_symbol Extract parts of an object