wofost_model {Rwofost}R Documentation

WOFOST crop growth model


Create a WOFOST crop growth model object. Trhough this interface, you first create a model object and then you run it. The advantage is that you can easily change single parameters of the model and run the model again.


wofost_model(crop, weather, soil, control)
run(x, ...)
crop(x) <- value
soil(x) <- value
control(x) <- value
weather(x) <- value
force(x) <- value



list. Crop parameters


data.frame with weather data. See Details


list. Soil parameters


list. Model control options


crop, weather, soil, or control data, as above; or a data.frame for "force"


WOFOST model


additiontal arguments. stopError(logica). If an error occurs and stopError is TRUE, and error message is given. Otherwise, a warning is given and some simulation data (up till when the error occurred) may be returned


The weather data must be passed as a data.frame with the following variables and units.

variable description class / unit
date "Date" class variable -
srad Solar radiation kJ m-2 day-1
tmin Minimum temperature degrees C
tmax Maximum temperature degrees C
vapr Vapor pressure kPa
wind Wind speed m s-1
prec Precipitation mm day-1

Note that there should not be any time gaps between the days in the data.frame


WofostModel object


Van Diepen, C.A., J. Wolf, and H van Keulen, 1989. WOFOST: a simulation model of crop production. Soil Use and Management, 5: 16-24

Van Keulen, H. and J. Wolf, 1986. Modelling of agricultural production : weather, soils and crops. http://edepot.wur.nl/168025


# weather data
f <- system.file("extdata/Netherlands_Swifterbant.csv", package="meteor")
w <- read.csv(f)
w$date <- as.Date(w$date)

crop <- wofost_crop("barley")
soil <- wofost_soil("ec1")
contr <- wofost_control()

contr$modelstart <- as.Date("1980-02-06")

# create model
m <- wofost_model(crop, w, soil, contr)

# run model
x <- run(m)
plot(x[,"date"], x[, "LAI"], cex=.5)

# make a change
m$control$modelstart = as.Date("1980-02-20")

# run model again
y <- run(m)
lines(y[,"date"], y[, "LAI"], col="red")

# change the crop 
crop(m) <- wofost_crop("potato_704") 
p <- run(m)
lines(p[,"date"], p[, "LAI"], col="blue")

[Package Rwofost version 0.8-3 Index]