Runuran.special.generators {Runuran} | R Documentation |
Generators for distributions based on methods from the UNU.RAN library
Generators for particular distributions. Their syntax is similar to the corresponding R built-in functions.
Runuran provides an interface to the UNU.RAN library for universal non-uniform random number generators. This is a very flexible and powerful collection of sampling routines, where the user first has to specify the target distribution and then has to choose an appropriate sampling method. However, we found that this approach is a little bit confusing for the beginner.
Thus we have prepared easy-to-use sampling functions for
standard distributions to facilitate the use of the package.
All these functions share a similar syntax and naming scheme
(only u
is prefixed) with their analogous R
built-in generating functions (if these exist) but have optional
domain arguments lb
and ub
i.e., these calls also allow to draw samples from truncated
ur...(n, distribution parameters, lb , ub)
These functions also show the interested user how we used the more powerful functions. We recommend to directly use these more flexible functions. Then one has faster marginal generation times and one may choose the best generation method for one's application.
Currently generators for the following distributions are implemented.
Continuous Univariate Distributions (24):
Function | Distribution | |
urbeta | ... | Beta |
urburr | ... | Burr |
urcauchy | ... | Cauchy |
urchi | ... | Chi |
urchisq | ... | Chi-squared |
urexp | ... | Exponential |
urextremeI | ... | Gumbel (extreme value type I) |
urextremeII | ... | Frechet (extreme value type II) |
urf | ... | F |
urgamma | ... | Gamma |
urgig | ... | GIG (generalized inverse Gaussian) |
urhyperbolic | ... | Hyperbolic |
urlaplace | ... | Laplace |
urlnorm | ... | Log-Normal |
urlogis | ... | Logistic |
urlomax | ... | Lomax |
urnorm | ... | Normal (Gaussian) |
urpareto | ... | Pareto (of first kind) |
urplanck | ... | Planck |
urpowerexp | ... | Powerexponential (Subbotin) |
urrayleigh | ... | Rayleigh |
urt | ... | t (Student) |
urtriang | ... | Triangular |
urweibull | ... | Weibull |
Discrete Distributions (6):
Function | Distribution | |
urbinom | ... | Binomial |
urgeom | ... | Geometric |
urhyper | ... | Hypergeometric |
urlogarithmic | ... | Logarithmic |
urnbinom | ... | Negative Binomial |
urpois | ... | Poisson |
Josef Leydold and Wolfgang H\"ormann
See Also
, Runuran.distributions
## draw a sample of size 100 from a
## gamma distribution with shape parameter 5
x <- urgamma(n=100, shape=5)
## draw a sample of size 100 from a
## half normal distribution
x <- urnorm(n=100, lb=0, ub=Inf)