ArdecheStMartin |
Simulated river discharge of the Ardeche river at Saint Martin d'Ardeche |
check_timeseries |
Check if all years in a time series are present |
computeAnnualMaxima |
computeAnnualMaxima |
computeMonthlyMaxima |
computeMonthlyMaxima |
DanubeVienna |
Simulated river discharge of the Danube river at Vienna |
declustpeaks |
declustpeaks |
EbroZaragoza |
Simulated river discharge of the Ebro river at Zaragoza |
empdis |
empdis: Empirical Distribution Function |
empdisl |
Empirical Distribution Function |
findMax |
findMax |
initPercentiles |
Initialize Percentiles |
max_daily_value |
Max Daily Value Function |
RhoneLyon |
Simulated river discharge of the Rhone river at Lyon |
tsEasyParseNamedArgs |
Parse named arguments and assign values to a predefined argument structure. |
tsEstimateAverageSeasonality |
Estimate Average Seasonality |
tsEvaChangepts |
Change point detection in time series |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGEV |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGEV |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGEVFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGEVFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGPD |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGPD |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGPDFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaComputeReturnLevelsGPDFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaComputeReturnPeriodsGEV |
tsEvaComputeReturnPeriodsGEV |
tsEvaComputeReturnPeriodsGPD |
tsEvaComputeReturnPeriodsGPD |
tsEvaComputeRLsGEVGPD |
tsEvaComputeRLsGEVGPD |
tsEvaComputeTimeRP |
tsEvaComputeTimeRP |
tsEvaDetrendTimeSeries |
Detrend a Time Series |
tsEvaFillSeries |
Fill missing values in a time series using a moving average approach. |
tsEvaFindTrendThreshold |
Find Trend Threshold |
tsEvaNanRunnigBlowTh |
Calculate the return period of low flow based on a threshold and window size |
tsEvaNanRunningMean |
Calculate the running mean of a time series with NaN handling |
tsEvaNanRunningPercentiles |
tsEvaNanRunningPercentiles |
tsEvaNanRunningStatistics |
tsEvaNanRunningStatistics |
tsEvaNanRunningVariance |
Calculate the running variance of a time series with NaN handling |
TsEvaNs |
TsEvaNs Function |
tsEvaPlotAllRLevelsGEV |
tsEvaPlotAllRLevelsGEV |
tsEvaPlotAllRLevelsGPD |
tsEvaPlotAllRLevelsGPD |
tsEvaPlotGEVImageSc |
tsEvaPlotGEVImageSc |
tsEvaPlotGEVImageScFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotGEVImageScFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotGPDImageSc |
tsEvaPlotGPDImageSc |
tsEvaPlotGPDImageScFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotGPDImageScFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGEV |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGEV |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGEVFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGEVFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGPD |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGPD |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGPDFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotReturnLevelsGPDFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotSeriesTrendStdDevFromAnalyisObj |
tsEvaPlotSeriesTrendStdDevFromAnalyisObj |
tsEvaPlotTransfToStat |
tsEvaPlotTransfToStat |
tsEvaPlotTransfToStatFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaPlotTransfToStatFromAnalysisObj |
tsEvaRunningMeanTrend |
Calculate the running mean trend of a time series |
tsEvaSampleData |
tsEvaSampleData Function |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryMultiplicativeSeasonality |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryMultiplicativeSeasonality |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryPeakTrend |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryPeakTrend |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryTrendAndChangepts |
Transform Time Series to Stationary Trend and Change Points |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryTrendAndChangepts_ciPercentile |
Transform Time Series to Stationary Trend and Change Points with Confidence Intervals |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryTrendOnly |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryTrendOnly |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryTrendOnly_ciPercentile |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStationaryTrendOnly_ciPercentile |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStatSeasonal_ciPercentile |
tsEvaTransformSeriesToStatSeasonal_ciPercentile |
tsEVstatistics |
tsEVstatistics |
tsGetNumberPerYear |
tsGetNumberPerYear |
tsGetPOT |
tsGetPOT Function |