R.multiple.surv {Rsurrogate}R Documentation

Calculates the proportion of treatment effect explained by multiple surrogate markers measured at a specified time and primary outcome information up to that specified time


This function calculates the proportion of treatment effect on the primary outcome explained by multiple surrogate markers measured at t0t_0 and primary outcome information up to t0t_0. The user can also request a variance estimate, estimated using perturbating-resampling, and a 95% confidence interval. If a confidence interval is requested three versions are provided: a normal approximation based interval, a quantile based interval and Fieller's confidence interval, all using perturbation-resampling. The user can also request an estimate of the incremental value of the surrogate marker information.


R.multiple.surv(xone, xzero, deltaone, deltazero, sone, szero, type =1, t, 
weight.perturb = NULL, landmark, extrapolate = FALSE, transform = FALSE, 
conf.int = FALSE, var = FALSE, incremental.value = FALSE, approx = T)



numeric vector, the observed event times in the treatment group, X = min(T,C) where T is the time of the primary outcome and C is the censoring time.


numeric vector, the observed event times in the control group, X = min(T,C) where T is the time of the primary outcome and C is the censoring time.


numeric vector, the event indicators for the treatment group, D = I(T<C) where T is the time of the primary outcome and C is the censoring time.


numeric vector, the event indicators for the control group, D = I(T<C) where T is the time of the primary outcome and C is the censoring time.


matrix of numeric values; surrogate marker measurements at t0t_0 for treated observations. If X1i<t0X_{1i}<t_0, then the surrogate marker measurements should be NA.


matrix of numeric values; surrogate marker measurements at t0t_0 for control observations. If X0i<t0X_{0i}<t_0, then the surrogate marker measurements should be NA.


type of estimate; options are 1 = two-stage robust estimator, 2 = weighted two-stage robust estimator, 3 = double-robust estimator, 4 = two-stage model-based estimator, 5 = weighted estimator, 6 = double-robust model-based estimator; default is 1.


the time of interest.


weights used for perturbation resampling.


the landmark time t0t_0 or time of surrogate marker measurement.


TRUE or FALSE; indicates whether the user wants to use extrapolation.


TRUE or FALSE; indicates whether the user wants to use a transformation for the surrogate marker pseudo-score.


TRUE or FALSE; indicates whether a 95% confidence interval for delta is requested, default is FALSE.


TRUE or FALSE; indicates whether a variance estimate is requested, default is FALSE.


TRUE or FALSE; indicates whether the user would like to see the incremental value of the surrogate marker information, default is FALSE.


TRUE or FALSE indicating whether an approximation should be used when calculating the probability of censoring; most relevant in settings where the survival time of interest for the primary outcome is greater than the last observed event but before the last censored case, default is TRUE.


Let G{A,B}G \in \{A, B\} be the binary treatment indicator and we assume that subjects are randomly assigned to either treatment group AA or BB at baseline. Let TT denote the time to the occurrence of the primary outcome, death for example, and S=(S1,S2,...,Sk)TS = (S_1,S_2,...,S_k)^{T} denote the vector of kk surrogate markers measured at a given time t0t_0. Let T(g)T^{(g)} and S(g)S^{(g)} denote the counterfactual event time and surrogate marker measurements under treatment G=gG = g for g{A,B}g \in \{A, B\}. In practice, we only observe (T,S)=(T(A),S(A))(T, S)=(T^{(A)}, S^{(A)}) or (T(B),S(B))(T^{(B)}, S^{(B)}) depending on whether G=AG=A or B.B. The treatment effect, Δ(t)\Delta(t), is the treatment difference in survival rates at time t>t0t > t_0, Δ(t)=E{I(T(A)>t)}E{I(T(B)>t)}=P(T(A)>t)P(T(B)>t)\Delta(t)=E\{ I(T^{(A)}>t)\} - E\{I(T^{(B)}>t)\} = P(T^{(A)}>t) - P(T^{(B)}>t) where I()I(\cdot) is the indicator function. For individuals who are censored or experience the primary outcome before t0t_0, we assume that their SS information is not available.

The surrogate marker information at time t0t_0 is defined as a combination of the observed information on I(T>t0)I(T >t_0) and the observed SS at t0t_0, denoted by Qt0={Qt0(g),g=A,B}Q_{t_0} = \{Q_{t_0}^{(g)}, g = A, B\}, where Qt0(g)={T(g)t0,S(g)I(T(g)>t0)}Q_{t_0} ^{(g)} = \{ T ^{(g)} \wedge t_0, S ^{(g)} I(T ^{(g)} > t_0)\}. With information on Qt0Q_{t_0}, the residual treatment effect is defined as: ΔS(t,t0)=E{I(T(A)>t)I(T(B)>t)Qt0(A)=Qt0(B)}=P(T(B)>t0)SψA(tS,t0)dFB(St0)P(T(B)>t)\Delta_{S}(t,t_0) = E\{ I(T ^{(A)} > t) - I(T ^{(B)}>t) \mid Q_{t_0}^{(A)} = Q_{t_0}^{(B)} \} =P(T^{(B)} > t_0) \int_{S} \psi_A(t \mid S, t_0) dF_{B}(S \mid t_0) -P(T^{(B)}> t) where S=(s1,...,sk)TS = (s_1, ..., s_k)^{T}, Fg(St0)=P(S(g)ST(g)>t0),F_{g}(S \mid t_0) = P(S^{(g)}\le S \mid T^{(g)}>t_0), ψg(tS,t0)=P(T(g)>tS(g)=S,T(g)>t0).\psi_g(t\mid S,t_0) = P(T^{(g)}> t\mid S^{(g)}=S, T^{(g)}> t_0). The proportion of the treatment effect on the primary outcome that is explained by the treatment effect on Qt0Q_{t_0} is RS(t,t0)=1ΔS(t,t0)/ΔR_{S}(t,t_0)=1-\Delta_{S}(t,t_0)/\Delta. This function provides 6 different estimators for RS(t,t0)R_{S}(t,t_0) using censored data.

Due to censoring, the observed data consist of nn observations {(Gi,Xi,δi,SiI(Xi>t0)),i=1,...,n}\{(G_i, X_{i}, \delta_{i}, S_{i}I(X_{i} > t_0)), i=1,...,n\} from the two treatment groups, where Xi=min(Ti,Ci)X_{i} = \min(T_{i}, C_{i}), δi=I(Ti<Ci)\delta_{i} = I(T_{i} < C_{i}), and CiC_{i} denotes the censoring time for the iith subject. We assume independent censoring i.e., (Ti,Si)CiGi(T_i, S_i) \perp C_i \mid G_i. For ease of notation, we also let {(Xgi,δgi,SgiI(Xgi>t0)),i=1,...,ng}\{(X_{gi}, \delta_{gi}, S_{gi}I(X_{gi} > t_0)), i=1,...,n_g\} denote ng=i=1nI(Gi=g)n_g = \sum_{i=1}^n I(G_i = g) observations from treatment group g{A,B},g \in \{A,B\}, where Xgi=min(Tgi,Cgi)X_{gi}=\min(T_{gi}, C_{gi}) and δgi=I(Tgi<Cgi).\delta_{gi}=I(T_{gi}<C_{gi}). Without loss of generality, we assume that πˉg=ng/nπg(0,1)\bar{\pi}_g = n_g/n \to \pi_g \in (0,1) as nn\to \infty. Throughout, we estimate the treatment effect Δ(t)=P(T(A)>t)P(T(B)>t)\Delta(t) =P(T^{(A)}>t) - P(T^{(B)}>t) as Δ^(t)=nA1i=1nAI(XAi>t)W^AC(t)nB1i=1nBI(XBi>t)W^BC(t) \hat{\Delta}(t) = n_A^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n_A} \frac{I(X_{Ai}>t)}{\hat{W}^C_A(t)} - n_B^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n_B} \frac{I(X_{Bi}>t)}{\hat{W}^C_B(t)} where W^gC(t)\hat{W}^C_g(t) is the Kaplan-Meier estimator of WgC(t)=P(Cg>t)W^C_g(t) = P(C_{g} > t).

We first describe the two-stage robust estimator which involves a two-stage procedure combining the use of a working model and a nonparametric estimation procedure for ΔS(t,t0)\Delta_{S}(t,t_0). The idea is simply to summarize SS into a univariate score UU and then construct a nonparametric estimator for RS(t,t0)R_S(t,t_0) treating UU as SS. To construct UU, we approximate the conditional distribution of T(A)S(A),T(A)>t0T^{(A)} \mid S^{(A)}, T^{(A)} > t_0 by using a working semiparametric model such as the landmark proportional hazards model qA(S)=P(T(A)>tT(A)>t0,S(A))=exp{Λ0(tt0)exp(βTS(A))},t>t0,q_A(S) = P(T^{(A)} >t \mid T^{(A)} >t_0, S^{(A)}) = \exp\{-\Lambda_0(t|t_0) \exp(\beta ^{T} S^{(A)}) \}, t>t_0, where Λ0(tt0) \Lambda_0(t|t_0) is the unspecified baseline cumulative hazard function for T(A)T^{(A)} conditional on {T(A)>t0}\{T^{(A)} > t_0\} and β\beta is an unknown vector of coefficients. Let β^\hat{\beta} be the maximizer of the corresponding log partial likelihood function and Λ^0(tt0)\hat{\Lambda}_0(t|t_0) be the Breslow-type estimate of baseline hazard. If one were to assume that this working model is correctly specified, then a consistent estimate of ΔS(t,t0)\Delta_{S}(t,t_0) would simply be: Δ^SM=nB1i=1nB[exp{Λ^0(tt0)exp(β^TSBi)}I(XBi>t0)W^BC(t0)I(XBi>t)W^BC(t)].\hat{\Delta}_{S}^M=n_B^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n_B} [ \exp \{ -\hat{\Lambda}_0(t|t_0)\exp(\hat{\beta} ^{T} S_{Bi}) \} \frac{I(X_{Bi} > t_0)}{\hat{W}^C_B(t_0)} - \frac{I(X_{Bi} > t)}{\hat{W}^C_B(t)}]. We refer to this estimate as the two-stage model-based estimator (option 4 for type). Instead of relying on correct specification of this model, we use the resulting score U=β0TSU = \beta_0^{T}S as a univariate “pseudo-marker" to summarize the kk surrogates. In the second stage, to estimate ΔS(t,t0)\Delta_{S}(t,t_0), we apply a nonparametric approach with SS represented by the univariate marker UU. Specifically, we use a kernel Nelson-Aalen estimator to nonparametrically estimate ϕA(tu,t0)=P(T(A)>tU(A)=u,T(A)>t0)=exp{ΛA(tu,t0)}\phi_A(t|u, t_0)=P(T^{(A)}> t\mid U^{(A)}=u, T^{(A)}> t_0) = \exp\{-\Lambda_A(t|u, t_0 )\} as ϕ^A(tu,t0)=exp{Λ^A(tu,t0)}\hat \phi_A(t|u, t_0) = \exp\{-\hat{\Lambda}_A(t|u, t_0) \}, where Λ^A(tu,t0)=t0ti=1nAI(XAi>t0)Kh{γ(U^Ai)γ(u)}dNAi(z)i=1nAI(XAi>t0)Kh{γ(U^Ai)γ(u)}YAi(z),\hat{\Lambda}_A(t|u, t_0) = \int_{t_0}^t \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n_A} I(X_{Ai}>t_0) K_h\{\gamma(\hat{U}_{Ai}) - \gamma(u)\}dN_{Ai}(z)}{\sum_{i=1}^{n_A} I(X_{Ai}>t_0) K_h\{\gamma(\hat{U}_{Ai}) - \gamma(u)\} Y_{Ai}(z)}, U^Ai=β^TSAi\hat{U}_{Ai} = \hat{\beta} ^{T} S_{Ai}, U^Bi=β^TSBi\hat{U}_{Bi} = \hat{\beta} ^{T} S_{Bi}, YAi=I(XAit)Y_{Ai} = I(X_{Ai} \geq t), NAi(t)=I(XAit)δAi,K()N_{Ai}(t) = I(X_{Ai} \leq t) \delta_{Ai}, K(\cdot) is a smooth symmetric density function, Kh(x)=K(x/h)/h,K_h(x) = K(x/h)/h, and γ()\gamma(\cdot) is a given monotone transformation function. We then estimate ΔS(t,t0)\Delta_{S}(t,t_0) as Δ^S(t,t0)=nB1i=1nB[ϕ^A(tU^Bi,t0)I(XBi>t0)W^BC(t0)I(XBi>t)W^BC(t)]\hat{\Delta}_{S}(t,t_0) = n_B^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n_B} [\hat{\phi}_A(t|\hat{U}_{Bi},t_0) \frac{I(X_{Bi} > t_0)}{\hat{W}^C_B(t_0)} - \frac{I(X_{Bi} > t)}{\hat{W}^C_B(t)}] and R^S(t,t0)=1Δ^S(t,t0)/Δ^(t).\hat{R}_{S}(t,t_0) =1- \hat{\Delta}_{S}(t,t_0)/\hat{\Delta}(t). We refer to this estimate as the two-stage robust estimator (option 1 for type).

The next estimator borrows ideas from the extensive causal inference literature focusing on double robust estimators two-stage weighted estimator with a propensity score weight explicitly balancing the two treatment groups with respect to the distribution of SS. The weighting enables us to “adjust" the distribution of S(A)S^{(A)} before constructing the conditional survival estimate ϕ^A(tu,t0).\hat \phi_A(t|u, t_0). This approach results in a double-robust estimator of ΔS(t,t0)\Delta_{S}(t, t_0), which is consistent when either U(A)U^{(A)} captures all the information about the relationship between I(T(A)t)I(T^{(A)}\ge t) and S(A)S^{(A)} or the propensity score model for π(S,t0)=P(Gi=BSi=S,Ti>t0)\pi(S,t_0)=P(G_i=B|S_i=S, T_{i} > t_0) is correctly specified. While π(S,t0)\pi(S,t_0) depends on t0t_0, for simplicity, we drop t0t_0 from our notation and simply use π(S)\pi(S).

Regression models can be imposed to obtain estimates for π(S)\pi(S). For example, a simple logistic regression model can be imposed for π~(S)=P(Gi=BSi=S,Xi>t0)\tilde{\pi}(S)=P(G_i=B|S_i=S, X_{i}>t_0) with logit{π~(S)}=α0+α1TS,logit\{\tilde{\pi}(S)\} = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 ^{T} S, where α0\alpha_0 and α1\alpha_1 are estimated only among those with Xgi>t0X_{gi} > t_0 to account for censoring. The propensity score of interest, π(S),\pi(S), can be derived from π~(S)\tilde{\pi}(S) directly since logit{π(S)}=logit{π~(S)}+log{WAC(t0)/WBC(t0)},logit\{\pi(S)\}=logit\{\tilde{\pi}(S)\} + \log\{W_A^C(t_0)/W_B^C(t_0)\}, which follows from the assumption that (Tgi,Sgi)Cgi.(T_{gi}, S_{gi}) \perp C_{gi}. We then modify the above expression by weighting observations with the estimated L(SAi)=π(SAi)/{1π(SAi)}L(S_{Ai})=\pi(S_{Ai})/\{1-\pi(S_{Ai})\} and obtain

Λ^Aw(tu,t0)=t0ti=1nAL^(SAi)I(XAi>t0)Kh{γ(U^Ai)γ(u)}dNAi(z)i=1nAL^(SAi)I(XAi>t0)Kh{γ(U^Ai)γ(u)}YAi(z),\hat{\Lambda}^w_A(t|u, t_0) = \int_{t_0}^t \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n_A} \hat{L}(S_{Ai}) I(X_{Ai}>t_0) K_h\{\gamma(\hat{U}_{Ai}) - \gamma(u)\}dN_{Ai}(z)}{\sum_{i=1}^{n_A} \hat{L}(S_{Ai}) I(X_{Ai}>t_0) K_h\{\gamma(\hat{U}_{Ai}) - \gamma(u)\} Y_{Ai}(z)},

, where L^(Sgi)=exp(α^0+α^1TSgi)W^BC(t0)/W^AC(t0).\hat{L}(S_{gi}) = \exp(\hat{\alpha}_0+\hat{\alpha}_1^{T} S_{gi})\hat{W}^C_B(t_0)/\hat{W}^C_A(t_0).

Subsequently, we define Δ^Sw(t,t0)=nB1i=1nB[ϕ^Aw(tU^Bi,t0)I(XBi>t0)W^BC(t0)I(XBi>t)W^BC(t)]\hat{\Delta}^w_{S}(t,t_0) = n_B^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n_B} [\hat{\phi}^w_A(t|\hat{U}_{Bi},t_0) \frac{I(X_{Bi} > t_0)}{\hat{W}^C_B(t_0)} - \frac{I(X_{Bi} > t)}{\hat{W}^C_B(t)}] and R^Sw(t,t0)=1Δ^Sw(t,t0)/Δ^(t)\hat{R}^w_{S}(t,t_0) =1- \hat{\Delta}^w_{S}(t,t_0)/\hat{\Delta}(t) where ϕ^Aw(tt0,u)=exp{Λ^Aw(tt0,u)}.\hat \phi^w_A(t|t_0,u) = \exp\{-\hat{\Lambda}^w_A(t|t_0,u) \}. We refer to this estimate as the weighted two-stage robust estimator (option 2 for type).

While the two-stage weighted estimator reflects one way to enhance the robustness of an initial estimator, the idea of combining a propensity-score type model and a regression-type model has certainly been extensively studied in the causal inference literature and a more familiar double-robust estimator can be constructed as: Δ^SDR(t,t0)=n1[i=1nAI(XAi>t)W^AC(t)πˉBL^(SAi)i=1nBI(XBi>t)W^BC(t)πˉB]n1[i=1nAϕ^A(tU^Ai,t0)I(XAi>t0)W^AC(t0)πˉBL^(SAi)i=1nBϕ^A(tU^Bi,t0)I(XBi>t0)W^BC(t0)πˉB]\hat{\Delta}_{S}^{DR}(t,t_0) = n^{-1} [\sum_{i=1}^{n_A}\frac{I(X_{Ai}>t)}{\hat{W}_{A}^C(t)\bar{\pi}_B} \hat{L}(S_{Ai}) - \sum_{i=1}^{n_B} \frac{I(X_{Bi}>t)}{\hat{W}_{B}^C(t)\bar{\pi}_B} ] - n^{-1} [ \sum_{i=1}^{n_A} \frac{ \hat{\phi}_A(t\mid\hat{U}_{Ai},t_0) I(X_{Ai} > t_0) }{\hat{W}_{A}^C(t_0)\bar{\pi}_B} \hat{L}(S_{Ai}) - \sum_{i=1}^{n_B}\frac{ \hat{\phi}_A(t\mid \hat{U}_{Bi},t_0) I(X_{Bi} > t_0) }{\hat{W}_{B}^C(t_0)\bar{\pi}_B} ] and R^SDR(t,t0)=1Δ^SDR(t,t0)/Δ^(t)\hat{R}_{S}^{DR}(t,t_0) =1- \hat{\Delta}_{S}^{DR}(t,t_0)/\hat{\Delta}(t), where ϕ^A(tU^gi,t0)\hat{\phi}_A(t|\hat{U}_{gi},t_0) is the (unweighted) estimate of ϕA(tu,t0)\phi_A(t\mid u,t_0) used in Δ^S(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_{S}(t,t_0). We refer to this estimate as the double robust estimator (option 3 for type).

The weighted estimator (option type 5) is defined as: Δ^SPS(t,t0)=n1i=1n{I(Xi>t)W^GiC(t)πˉB[I(Gi=A)L^(SAi)I(Gi=B)]} \hat{\Delta}^{PS}_{S}(t,t_0) = n^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^n \{\frac{I(X_{i}>t)}{\hat{W}_{G_i}^C(t)\bar{\pi}_B} [ I(G_i = A)\hat{L}(S_{Ai}) - I(G_i = B ) ] \} and R^SPS(t,t0)=1Δ^SPS(t,t0)/Δ^(t).\hat{R}^{PS}_{S}(t,t_0) =1- \hat{\Delta}^{PS}_{S}(t,t_0)/\hat{\Delta}(t). This estimator completely relies on the correct specification of π(S)\pi(S). The double-robust model-based estimator (option 6 for type) is defined as Δ^SDR2(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_{S}^{DR2}(t,t_0) and R^SDR2(t,t0)=1Δ^SDR2(t,t0)/Δ^(t)\hat{R}_{S}^{DR2}(t,t_0) =1- \hat{\Delta}_{S}^{DR2}(t,t_0)/\hat{\Delta}(t) which are constructed parallel to the construction of Δ^SDR(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_{S}^{DR}(t,t_0) i.e., a combination of Δ^SM(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_{S}^M(t,t_0) and R^SPS(t,t0)\hat{R}^{PS}_{S}(t,t_0).

Variance estimates are obtained using perturbation resampling. If a confidence interval is requested three versions are provided: a normal approximation based interval, a quantile based interval and Fieller's confidence interval, all using perturbation-resampling. An estimate of the incremental value of the surrogate marker information can also be requested; this essentially compared the proportion explained by the surrogate information vs. the proportion explained by TT alone up to t0t_0. Details can be found in Parast, L., Cai, T., & Tian, L. (2021). Evaluating multiple surrogate markers with censored data. Biometrics, 77(4), 1315-1327.


A list is returned:


the estimate, Δ^(t)\hat{\Delta}(t), described in delta.estimate documentation.


the residual treatment effect estimate, Δ^S(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_S(t,t_0).


the estimated proportion of treatment effect explained by the set of markers, R^S(t,t0)\hat{R}_S(t,t_0).


the variance estimate of Δ^(t)\hat{\Delta}(t); if var = TRUE or conf.int = TRUE.


the variance estimate of Δ^S(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_S(t,t_0); if var = TRUE or conf.int = TRUE.


the variance estimate of R^S(t,t0)\hat{R}_S(t,t_0); if var = TRUE or conf.int = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for Δ^(t)\hat{\Delta}(t) based on a normal approximation; if conf.int = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for Δ^(t)\hat{\Delta}(t) based on sample quantiles of the perturbed values; if conf.int = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for Δ^S(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_S(t,t_0) based on a normal approximation; if conf.int = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for Δ^S(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_S(t,t_0) based on sample quantiles of the perturbed values; if conf.int = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for R^S(t,t0)\hat{R}_S(t,t_0) based on a normal approximation; if conf.int = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for R^S(t,t0)\hat{R}_S(t,t_0) based on sample quantiles of the perturbed values; if conf.int = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for R^S(t,t0)\hat{R}_S(t,t_0) based on Fieller's approach; if conf.int = TRUE.


the estimate, Δ^T(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_T(t,t_0); if incremental.vaue = TRUE.


the estimated proportion of treatment effect explained by survival only, R^T(t,t0)\hat{R}_T(t,t_0); if incremental.vaue = TRUE.


the estimate of the incremental value of the surrogate markers, IV^S(t,t0)\hat{IV}_S(t,t_0); if incremental.vaue = TRUE.


the variance estimate of Δ^T(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_T(t,t_0); if var = TRUE or conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


the variance estimate of R^T(t,t0)\hat{R}_T(t,t_0); if var = TRUE or conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


the variance estimate of IV^S(t,t0)\hat{IV}_S(t,t_0); if var = TRUE or conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for Δ^T(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_T(t,t_0) based on a normal approximation; if conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for Δ^T(t,t0)\hat{\Delta}_T(t,t_0) based on sample quantiles of the perturbed values; if conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for R^T(t,t0)\hat{R}_T(t,t_0) based on a normal approximation; if conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for R^T(t,t0)\hat{R}_T(t,t_0) based on sample quantiles of the perturbed values; if conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for R^T(t,t0)\hat{R}_T(t,t_0) based on Fieller's approach; if conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for IV^S(t,t0)\hat{IV}_S(t,t_0) based on a normal approximation; if conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


a vector of size 2; the 95% confidence interval for IV^S(t,t0)\hat{IV}_S(t,t_0) based on sample quantiles of the perturbed values; if conf.int = TRUE and incremental.vaue = TRUE.


If the treatment effect is not significant, the user will receive the following message: "Warning: it looks like the treatment effect is not significant; may be difficult to interpret the residual treatment effect in this setting".


Layla Parast


Parast, L., Cai, T., & Tian, L. (2017). Evaluating surrogate marker information using censored data. Statistics in Medicine, 36(11), 1767-1782.

Parast, L., Cai, T., & Tian, L. (2021). Evaluating multiple surrogate markers with censored data. Biometrics, 77(4), 1315-1327.


## Not run: 
R.multiple.surv(xone = d_example_multiple$x1, xzero = d_example_multiple$x0, deltaone = 
d_example_multiple$delta1, deltazero = d_example_multiple$delta0, sone = 
as.matrix(d_example_multiple$s1), szero = as.matrix(d_example_multiple$s0), 
type =1, t = 1, landmark=0.5)
R.multiple.surv(xone = d_example_multiple$x1, xzero = d_example_multiple$x0, deltaone = 
d_example_multiple$delta1, deltazero = d_example_multiple$delta0, sone = 
as.matrix(d_example_multiple$s1), szero = as.matrix(d_example_multiple$s0), 
type =1, t = 1, landmark=0.5, conf.int = T)	
R.multiple.surv(xone = d_example_multiple$x1, xzero = d_example_multiple$x0, deltaone = 
d_example_multiple$delta1, deltazero = d_example_multiple$delta0, sone = 
as.matrix(d_example_multiple$s1), szero = as.matrix(d_example_multiple$s0), 
type =3, t = 1, landmark=0.5)

## End(Not run)

[Package Rsurrogate version 3.2 Index]