confintmlx {Rsmlx}R Documentation

Confidence intervals for population parameters


Compute confidence intervals for the population parameters estimated by Monolix.


  parameters = "all",
  method = "fim",
  level = 0.9,
  linearization = TRUE,
  nboot = 100,
  parametric = FALSE,
  settings = NULL



a Monolix project


list of parameters for which confidence intervals are computed (default="all")


method c("fim", "proflike", "bootstrap") (default="fim")


confidence level, a real number between 0 and 1 (default=0.90)


TRUE/FALSE whether the calculation of the standard errors (default=TRUE) or the profile likelihood is based on a linearization of the model (default=TRUE)


number of bootstrat replicates (default=100, used when method="bootstrap")


boolean to define if parametric bootstrap is performed (new data is drawn from the model), (default: FALSE)


a list of settings for the profile likelihood method:

  • max.iter maximum number of iterations to find the solution (default=10)

  • tol.LL absolute tolerance for -2LL (default=0.001)

  • tol.param relative tolerance for the parameter (default=0.01)

  • print TRUE/FALSE display the results (default=TRUE)


Most functionality to compute confidence intervals (other than profile likelihood) is now available directly in the lixoftConnectors package. Please migrate the following uses of this function:

confintmlx method lixoftConnectors function
"fim" linearizarion = TRUE getEstimatedConfidenceIntervals (method = "linearization")
"fim" linearizarion = FALSE getEstimatedConfidenceIntervals (method = "stochasticApproximation")
"bootstrap" parametric = TRUE runBootstrap (method = "parametric")
"bootstrap" parametric = FALSE runBootstrap (method = "nonparametric")

For method="proflike", continue using this function.

The method used for computing the confidence intervals can be either based on the standard errors derived from an estimation of the Fisher Information Matrix ("fim"), on the profile likelihood ("proflike") or on nonparametric bootstrap estimate ("bootstrap"). method="fim" is used by default.

When method="fim", the FIM can be either estimated using a linearization of the model or a stochastic approximation. When method="proflike", the observed likelihood can be either estimated using a linearization of the model or an importance sampling Monte Carlo procedure. When method="bootstrap", the bootstrap estimates are obtained using the bootmlx function


a list with the computed confidence intervals, the method used and the level.

See Also

getEstimatedConfidenceIntervals replaces this function for method = "fim" in lixoftConnectors
runBootstrap replaces this function for method = "bootstrap" in lixoftConnectors


## Not run: 
# RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran is a Monolix project for modelling the PK of warfarin using a PK model 
# with parameters ka, V, Cl.

# confintmlx will compute a 90% confidence interval for all the population parameters 
# using the population estimates obtained by Monolix and the Fisher Information Matrix 
# estimated by linearization
r1 <- confintmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran") 

# 95% confidence intervals are now computed, using the FIM estimated by Monolix using a 
# stochastic approximation algorithm:
r2 <- confintmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran", linearization=FALSE, level=0.95) 

# Confidence intervals are computed for ka_pop and omega_ka only, 
# using the profile likelihood method:
r <- confintmlx(project    = "RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran", 
                method     = "proflike", 
                parameters = c("ka_pop","omega_ka")) 

# Confidence intervals are computed using 200 bootstrap samples:
r3 <- confintmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran", method="bootstrap", nboot=200)

## End(Not run)

# See for detailed examples of use of confintmlx
# Download the demo examples here:

[Package Rsmlx version 2024.1.0 Index]