azteca {Rsampling} | R Documentation |
An experiment on ant recruitment
Number of Azteca ants recruited by leaf extracts of their host plant , Cecropia trees.
A data frame with 21 rows and 3 variables:
- plant
plant id, integer
number of recruited ants in the leaf that received drops of smashed new leaves extract
- extract.old
number of recruited ants in the leaf that received drops of smashed old leaves extract
The ant colonies live in the hollow trunk of Cecropia and can detect and expel leaf-chewing insects. To test if this response is more intense in young leaves, drops of extract of smashed young and old leaves were poured in two neighbor leaves of the same plant. After 7 minutes the number of recruited ants in each leaf was recorded.
Kondrat, H. 2012. Estímulos químicos de folhas novas promovem recrutamento eficiente de formigas associadas à embaúba Cecropia glaziovi (Urticaceae). Curso de campo "Ecologia da Mata Atlântica" (G. Machado; P.I. Prado & A.M.Z. Martini, eds.). Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.