search_saga {Rsagacmd}R Documentation

Automatic search for the path to a SAGA-GIS installation


Returns the path to the saga_cmd executable.




On Microsoft Windows, automatic searching will occur first in 'C:/Program Files/SAGA-GIS'; 'C:/Program Files (x86)/SAGA-GIS'; 'C:/SAGA-GIS'; 'C:/OSGeo4W'; and 'C:/OSGeo4W64'.

On Linux, saga_cmd is usually included in PATH, if not an automatic search is performed in the '/usr/' folder.

For macOS, since version 8.5, SAGA-GIS is available as an standalone macOS app from SourceForge. The '' package is searched first (assuming that it is installed in the '/Applications/' folder). Other macOS locations that are searched include '/usr/local/bin/' (for Homebrew installations) and within the QGIS application (SAGA-GIS is bundled with the QGIS application on macOS by default).

If multiple versions of SAGA-GIS are installed on the system, the path to the newest version is returned.


The path to installed saga_cmd binary.

[Package Rsagacmd version 0.4.2 Index]