Rquake-package |
Seismic Analysis of Earthquake Hypocenter determination |
ASW.vel |
1D Velocity Ecuador |
Jackknife earthquake location |
checkLOCATEinput |
Check Location data |
clusterWPX |
Cluster Analysis of Picks |
Button to Contour Pickfile Arrivals |
contPFarrivals |
Contour Pickfile Arrivals |
cosopix |
Selection of pickfiles from Coso Geothermal Field |
coso_sta_LLZ |
Coso Station File |
defaultVEL |
Default Velocity Function |
DistWeight |
Distance wheighting |
DistWeightLL |
Distance wheighting |
DistWeightXY |
Distance wheighting |
doAmap |
Plot a map of station locations |
editPIX |
Last Pix |
eqlipse |
Error Elipse for Hypocenter Location |
eqwrapup |
Earthquake Wrap Uo |
EQXYresid |
Calculate Residuals |
euler_passive |
Euler Rotation Angles |
fuj1.vel |
1D Velocity Ecuador |
getEulers |
Get Eulers Angles |
getGAP |
Get Seismic Gap |
Get Pand S travel times and derivatives |
getregionals |
Extract regional events |
getresidTT |
Travel time residuals |
Gfirstguess |
First guess from a pick file |
gMAP |
Generic Map Button |
PICK Buttons for swig |
Jackknife a list of events |
Image Influence of stations |
INITpickfile |
Initialize a pickfile |
jap1.vel |
1D Velocity Ecuador |
Klocate |
Earthquake Hypocenter Location |
lastPIX |
Last Pix |
latlonz2wpx |
Add Lat-Lon-Z to WPX list |
LDATlist |
List location data |
LeftjustTime |
Adjust times relative to least minute. |
legitWPX |
Legitimate Pix |
LITHOS.vel |
1D Velocity Ecuador |
MeanStaDist |
Mean Station Distance |
montserat.vel |
1D Velocity Ecuador |
NLSlocate |
Nonlinear Least Squares Location |
OnePerSta |
One Phase Pick Per Station |
PCfiledatetime |
Create a character string from a date |
PCsaveWPX |
Save WPX list |
PFoutput |
Write a pickfile to disk |
Pick3 |
PICK Buttons for swig |
plotEQ |
Plot Earthquake location |
BoxPlot Jackknife of station locations |
PostREQquake |
Post Processing on EQrquake |
PostVquake |
Plotting error ellipsoids of many events |
Qrangedatetime |
Range of Date Time |
ReSet |
Button to reset the choices of station and component |
ripper |
Rip off Event location information |
Rowz2Keep |
Rows to Keep for inversion |
RQ |
Rquake Button |
Rquake |
Seismic Analysis of Earthquake Hypocenter determination |
SaveCSV |
Save WPX list |
SavePF |
Save Pick File Button |
SELstaDB |
Pick stations and components interactively |
StHelens4.vel |
1D Velocity Ecuador |
Update an Earthquake location |
Vlocate |
Hypocenter Determination |
wu_coso.vel |
1D Velocity Ecuador |
XYerror.bars |
Error Bars in X and Y |
XYlocate |
Locate Earthquake with UTM projection |
Set up matrix for hypocenter inversion |
Y2Pphase |
Convert Y-phase to P-phase |