Seismic Hypocenter Determination

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Documentation for package ‘Rquake’ version 2.5-1

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Rquake-package Seismic Analysis of Earthquake Hypocenter determination
ASW.vel 1D Velocity Ecuador
BLACKJACK Jackknife earthquake location
checkLOCATEinput Check Location data
clusterWPX Cluster Analysis of Picks
CONTPF Button to Contour Pickfile Arrivals
contPFarrivals Contour Pickfile Arrivals
cosopix Selection of pickfiles from Coso Geothermal Field
coso_sta_LLZ Coso Station File
defaultVEL Default Velocity Function
DistWeight Distance wheighting
DistWeightLL Distance wheighting
DistWeightXY Distance wheighting
doAmap Plot a map of station locations
editPIX Last Pix
eqlipse Error Elipse for Hypocenter Location
eqwrapup Earthquake Wrap Uo
EQXYresid Calculate Residuals
euler_passive Euler Rotation Angles
fuj1.vel 1D Velocity Ecuador
getEulers Get Eulers Angles
getGAP Get Seismic Gap
GETpsTT Get Pand S travel times and derivatives
getregionals Extract regional events
getresidTT Travel time residuals
Gfirstguess First guess from a pick file
gMAP Generic Map Button
GPIX PICK Buttons for swig
HiJACK Jackknife a list of events
imageINFLUENCE Image Influence of stations
INITpickfile Initialize a pickfile
jap1.vel 1D Velocity Ecuador
Klocate Earthquake Hypocenter Location
lastPIX Last Pix
latlonz2wpx Add Lat-Lon-Z to WPX list
LDATlist List location data
LeftjustTime Adjust times relative to least minute.
legitWPX Legitimate Pix
LITHOS.vel 1D Velocity Ecuador
MeanStaDist Mean Station Distance
montserat.vel 1D Velocity Ecuador
NLSlocate Nonlinear Least Squares Location
OnePerSta One Phase Pick Per Station
PCfiledatetime Create a character string from a date
PCsaveWPX Save WPX list
PFoutput Write a pickfile to disk
Pick3 PICK Buttons for swig
plotEQ Plot Earthquake location
plotJACKLLZ BoxPlot Jackknife of station locations
PostREQquake Post Processing on EQrquake
PostVquake Plotting error ellipsoids of many events
Qrangedatetime Range of Date Time
ReSet Button to reset the choices of station and component
ripper Rip off Event location information
Rowz2Keep Rows to Keep for inversion
RQ Rquake Button
Rquake Seismic Analysis of Earthquake Hypocenter determination
SaveCSV Save WPX list
SavePF Save Pick File Button
SELstaDB Pick stations and components interactively
StHelens4.vel 1D Velocity Ecuador
UPdateEQLOC Update an Earthquake location
Vlocate Hypocenter Determination
wu_coso.vel 1D Velocity Ecuador
XYerror.bars Error Bars in X and Y
XYlocate Locate Earthquake with UTM projection
XYSETUP Set up matrix for hypocenter inversion
Y2Pphase Convert Y-phase to P-phase