Subroutines to Estimate Rolling Window Multiple Correlation

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Documentation for package ‘RolWinMulCor’ version 1.2.0

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RolWinMulCor-package Estimate the Rolling Window Multiple Correlation
plot_1win Plot the outputs of 'rolwincor_1win' and 'rolwinmulcor_1win' as a single one window
plot_heatmap Plot the outputs of 'rolwincor_heatmap' and 'rolwinmulcor_heatmap' as a heat map
rolwincor_1win Estimate the Rolling Window Correlation for the bi-variate case to plot its outputs as a single one window
rolwincor_heatmap Estimate the Rolling Window Correlation for the bi-variate case to plot its outputs as a heat map
RolWinMulCor Estimate the Rolling Window Multiple Correlation
rolwinmulcor_1win Estimate the Rolling Window Correlation for the multi-variate case to plot its outputs as a single one window
rolwinmulcor_heatmap Estimate the Rolling Window Correlation for the multi-variate case to plot the results as a heat map
syntDATA Synthetic data set to test the functions of _RolWinMulCor_
YX_ecological_data Ecological data set to test the functions of _RolWinMulCor_