Rock Fabric and Strain Analysis Tools

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Documentation for package ‘RockFab’ version 1.2.1

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RockFab-package Rock fabric and strain analysis tools.
ElliIn Read output files generated from the program Ellipsoid 2003.
ElliOut Write results of sectional analyses to Ellipsoid 2003 compatible files.
EllipAxes Calculate ellipsoid axial lengths based on octahedral shear strain and Lode parameter.
ElliView Interactive 3D fabric and strain ellipsoid visualization tool.
FlinnPlot Function to plot a linear Flinn diagram from octahedral shear strain and Lode parameters of ellipsoids.
FRY-class Class '"FRY"'
FryData Determine Fry points and scale to central void region.
FryNormData Determine normalized Fry points and scale to central void region.
FryObjective Objective ellipse fitting to central void.
FrySelect Interactive central void selection tool for the Fry and normalized Fry techniques.
NadaiPlot Nadai plotting tool for fabric and strain data.
ParEx Parameter extraction tool to obtain location, eccentricity, and orientation of objects from sectional image traces.
RfPhi Determine Rs and corresponding parameters following the RfPhi method
RFPHI-class Class '"RFPHI"'
RfPhiParRead Read manual data collected from the RfPhi method.
RockFab Rock fabric and strain analysis tools.
StereoCirc Primitive circle plotter for stereonet.
StereoPlane Add plane data to stereonet.
StereoPlot Setup plot extent for stereonet.
StereoPoint Add line data to stereonet.
StereoWeb Equal area stereonet grid plotter.