mosek_attachbuilder {Rmosek}R Documentation

Attach builder functions to the search path (install,update,remove)


This function attach a database to the search path with utilities to manage Rmosek in respect to the system requirement (i.e., MOSEK):

install.rmosek Install Rmosek package.
update.rmosek Update Rmosek package.
remove.rmosek Remove Rmosek package.

These utilities are equivalent to, and accept the same arguments as, install.packages, update.packages and remove.packages, differing only in default argument values and the transmission of Rmosek-specific configuration variables (see details below).


                    pos=2L, name="Rmosek:builder", warn.conflicts=TRUE)



The path to the MOSEK 'bin' directory to build against. Should look like <MSKHOME>/mosek/<MSKVERSION>/tools/platform/<PLATFORM>/bin, where <MSKHOME> is the folder in which the MOSEK Optimization Suite has been installed. If NA, it uses the MOSEK binary directory of the last build (if any). If "", it attaches a generic builder.


Integer specifying position in search() where to attach.


Name to use for the attached database. Names starting with package: are reserved for library.


Logical. If TRUE, warnings are printed about conflicts from attaching the database, unless that database contains an object .conflicts.OK. A conflict is a function masking a function, or a non-function masking a non-function.


The attached *.rmosek functions (install, update, remove) wrap the corresponding utils::*.packages functions with autoconfigured default argument values:

pkgs = "Rmosek"

configuration variables:

MSK_BINDIR MOSEK 'bin' directory.
If empty, autoconfigured from mosek executable on PATH.
MSK_HEADERDIR MOSEK 'h' directory.
If empty, autoconfigured from 'MSK_BINDIR'.
MSK_LIB MOSEK library file.
If empty, autoconfigured from 'MSK_BINDIR'.

and installation styles:

using_pkgbuild Logical. Whether to execute in the 'pkgbuild' environment
as is recommended on Windows to resolve Rtools.
using_sysenv Logical. Whether to transmit configuration variables via
Sys.setenv() as opposed to configure.vars.


## Not run: 
# Build Rmosek for the given MOSEK Optimization Suite.

# Update Rmosek for the MOSEK Optimization Suite of the last build (if any).
mosek_attachbuilder()    # Note: path is read from packageDescription("Rmosek")

# Build Rmosek (from offline package file) for the given MOSEK Optimization Suite.
install.rmosek("<RMOSEKPATH>/Rmosek.tar.gz", repos=NULL)

## End(Not run)

[Package Rmosek version 1.3.5 Index]