Rlinsolve {Rlinsolve}R Documentation

A Collection of Iterative Solvers for (Sparse) Linear System of Equations


Solving a system of linear equations is one of the most fundamental computational problems for many fields of mathematical studies, such as regression from statistics or numerical partial differential equations. We provide a list of both stationary and nonstationary solvers. Sparse matrix class from Matrix is also supported for large sparse system.

Non-square matrix

For a matrix AA of size (m-by-n), we say the system is overdetermined if m>n, underdetermined if m<n, or squared if m=n. In the current version, underdetermined system is not supported; it will later appear with sparse constraints. For an overdetermined system, it automatically transforms the problem into normal equation, i.e.,

Ax=bATAx=ATbAx=b \rightarrow A^T Ax = A^T b

even though if suffers from worse condition number while having desirable property of a system to be symmetric and positive definite.


RcppArmadillo is extensively used in the package. In order for bullet-proof transition between dense and sparse matrix, only 3 of 12 RcppArmadillo-supported sparse matrix formats have access to our algorithms; "dgCMatrix","dtCMatrix" and "dsCMatrix". Please see the vignette on sparse matrix support from RcppArmadillo. If either of two inputs A or b is sparse, all matrices involved are automatically transformed into sparse matrices.

Composition of the Package

Following is a list of stationary methods,


Jacobi method


Gauss-Seidel method


Successive Over-Relaxation method


Symmetric Successive Over-Relaxation method

as well as nonstationary (or, Krylov subspace) methods,


Bi-Conjugate Gradient method


Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method


Conjugate Gradient method


Conjugate Gradient Squared method


Chebyshev method


Generalized Minimal Residual method


Quasi-Minimal Residual method

Also, aux.fisch is provided to generate a sparse system of discrete Poisson matrix from finite difference approximation scheme of Poisson equation on 2-dimensional square domain.


Demmel, J.W. (1997) Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, 1st ed., SIAM.

Barrett, R., Berry, M., Chan, T.F., Demmel, J., Donato, J., Dongarra, J., Eijkhout, V., Pozo, R., Romine, C., and van der Vorst, H. (1994) Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, SIAM.

[Package Rlinsolve version 0.3.2 Index]