Overlays on Static Maps

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Documentation for package ‘RgoogleMaps’ version 1.5.1

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AddAlpha add alpha level to color that lacks one
bbs Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
col.gal.nb Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
ColorMap Plot Levels of a Variable in a Colour-Coded Map
columbus Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
coords Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
degreeAxis axis with degrees
genStaticMap generates a "static map" from map tiles by "stitching" them together
geosphere_mercator Transform longitude/latiude points to the Mercator projection.
GetBingMap download a static map from the Microsoft map tile server
getGeoCode geocoding utility
GetMap download a static map from the Google server
GetMap.bbox GetMap bbox
GetMapTiles download map tiles from specified map tile servers such as openstreetmap or Google
GetOsmMap Query the Open Street Map server for map tiles instead of Google Maps
IdentifyPoints identify points by clicking on map
incidents San Francisco crime data
LatLon2XY computes the coordinate transformation from lat/lon to map tile coordinates
LatLon2XY.centered computes the centered coordinate transformation from lat/lon to map tile coordinates
MapBackground get static Map from the Google server
MaxZoom computes the maximum zoom level which will contain the given lat/lon range
mypolygon simple wrapper function to plot colored polygons
NumTiles computes the necessary number of tiles from a bounding box and a zoom level
NYleukemia Upstate New York Leukemia Data
osmtile_bbox compute the bounding box of an OpenStreetmap tile
pennLC Pennsylvania Lung Cancer
PlotArrowsOnStaticMap plots arrows or segments on map
plotmap easy to use wrapper function
PlotOnMapTiles plots on map tiles by "stitching" them together
PlotOnStaticMap overlays plot on background image of map tile
plotOSM plots OSM map tiles
plotOSMtile plots a single OSM tile
PlotPolysOnStaticMap plots polygons on map
polys Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
qbbox computes bounding box
ReadMapTile Read a bitmap image stored in the PNG format
RGB2GRAY translates an RGB image matrix to gray scale
SpatialToPBS converts spatial objects as defined in package sp to simpler PBSmapping type dataframes
sp_bbox computes bounding box
TextOnStaticMap plots text on map
Tile2R simple utility to offset and scale XY coordinates with respect to the center
updateusr Updates the 'usr' coordinates in the current plot.
XY2LatLon computes the centered coordinate transformation from lat/lon to map tile coordinates