plotAncStatesMAP {RevGadgets} | R Documentation |
plot Ancestral States MAP
Plots the MAP estimates of ancestral states. Can accommodate cladogenetic reconstructions by plotting on shoulders. Defaults to varying the symbols by color to indicate estimated ancestral state and varying the size of the symbol to indicate the posterior probability of that estimate, but symbol shape may also vary to accommodate black and white figures. For more details on the aesthetics options, see parameter details below. For data with many character states (such as chromosome counts), vary the size of the symbol by estimated ancestral state, and vary the posterior probability of that estimate by a color gradient. Text labels at nodes and tips are also available.
cladogenetic = FALSE,
tip_labels = TRUE,
tip_labels_size = 2,
tip_labels_offset = 1,
tip_labels_italics = FALSE,
tip_labels_formatted = FALSE,
tip_labels_remove_underscore = TRUE,
tip_labels_states = FALSE,
tip_labels_states_size = 2,
tip_labels_states_offset = 0.1,
node_labels_as = NULL,
node_labels_size = 2,
node_labels_offset = 0.1,
node_labels_centered = FALSE,
node_size_as = "state_posterior",
node_color_as = "state",
node_shape_as = NULL,
node_shape = 19,
node_color = "default",
node_size = c(2, 6),
tip_states = TRUE,
tip_states_size = node_size,
tip_states_shape = node_shape,
state_transparency = 0.75,
tree_layout = "rectangular",
timeline = FALSE,
geo = timeline,
geo_units = list("epochs", "periods"),
time_bars = timeline,
t |
(treedata object; none) Output of processAncStates() function containing tree and ancestral states. |
cladogenetic |
(logical; FALSE) Plot shoulder states of cladogenetic analyses? |
tip_labels |
(logical; TRUE) Label taxa labels at tips? |
tip_labels_size |
(numeric; 2) Size of tip labels. |
tip_labels_offset |
(numeric; 1) Horizontal offset of tip labels from tree. |
tip_labels_italics |
(logical; FALSE) Italicize tip labels? |
tip_labels_formatted |
(logical; FALSE) Do the tip labels contain manually added formatting information? Will set parse = TRUE in geom_text() and associated functions to interpret formatting. See ?plotmath for more. Cannot be TRUE if tip_labels_italics = TRUE. |
tip_labels_remove_underscore |
(logical; TRUE) Remove underscores from tip labels? |
tip_labels_states |
(logical; FALSE) Optional plotting of text at tips in addition to taxa labels. |
tip_labels_states_size |
(numeric; 2) Size of state labels at tips. Ignored if tip_labels_states is FALSE. |
tip_labels_states_offset |
(numeric; 0.1) Horizontal offset of tip state labels. Ignored if tip_labels_states = NULL. |
node_labels_as |
(character; NULL) Optional plotting of text at nodes. Possible values are "state" for the ancestral states , "state_posterior" for posterior probabilities of the estimated ancestral state, "node_posterior" or the posterior probability of the node on the tree, or NULL for not plotting any text at the nodes (default). |
node_labels_size |
(numeric; 2) Size of node labels text. Ignored if node_labels_as = NULL. |
node_labels_offset |
(numeric; 0.1) Horizontal offset of node labels from nodes. Ignored if node_labels_as = NULL. |
node_labels_centered |
(logical; FALSE) Should node labels be centered over the nodes? Defaults to FALSE: adjusting node labels to the right of nodes and left of shoulders. |
node_size_as |
(character; "state_posterior") How to vary size of node symbols. Options are "state_posterior" (default) for posterior probabilities of the estimated ancestral state, "node_posterior" or the posterior probability of the node on the tree, "state" for vary size by the ancestral state itself in cases where there are many character states (e.g. chromosome numbers; we do not recommend this option for characters with few states), or NULL for fixed symbol size. |
node_color_as |
(character; "state") How to vary to color of node symbols. Options are "state" (default) to vary by estimated ancestral states, "state_posterior" for posterior probabilities of the estimated ancestral state, "node_posterior" or the posterior probability of the node on the tree, or NULL to set all as one color. |
node_shape_as |
(character; NULL) Option to vary node symbol by shape. Options are NULL to keep shape constant or "state" to vary shape by ancestral state. |
node_shape |
(integer; 19) Shape type for nodes. If node_shape_as = "state", provide a vector with length of the number of states. See ggplot2 documentation for details: |
node_color |
("character"; "default") Colors for node symbols. Defaults to default RevGadgets colors. If node_color_as = "state', provide a vector of length of the character states. If your color vector is labeled with state labels, the legend will be displayed in the order of the labels. If node_color_as = "posterior", provide a vector of length 2 to generate a color gradient. |
node_size |
(numeric; c(2, 6)) Range of sizes, or fixed size, for node symbols. If node_size_as = "state_posterior", "node_posterior", or "state", numeric vector of length two. If node_size_as = NULL, numeric vector of length one. Size regulates the area of the symbol, following ggplot2 best practices: |
tip_states |
(logical; TRUE) Plot states of taxa at tips? |
tip_states_size |
(numeric; node_size) Size for tip symbols. Defaults to the same size as node symbols. |
tip_states_shape |
(integer; node_shape) Shape for tip symbols. Defaults to the same as node symbols. |
state_transparency |
(integer; 0.75) Alpha (transparency) of state symbols- varies from 0 to 1. |
tree_layout |
(character; "rectangular") Tree shape layout, passed to ggtree(). Options are 'rectangular', 'slanted', 'ellipse', 'roundrect', 'fan', 'circular', 'inward_circular', 'radial', 'equal_angle', 'daylight' or 'ape'. When cladogenetic = TRUE, only "rectangular" and 'circular' are available. |
timeline |
(logical; FALSE) Plot time tree with labeled x-axis with timescale in MYA. |
geo |
(logical; timeline) Add a geological timeline? Defaults to the same as timeline. |
geo_units |
(list; list("epochs", "periods")) Which geological units to include in the geo timescale. May be "periods", "epochs", "stages", "eons", "eras", or a list of two of those units. |
time_bars |
(logical; timeline) Add vertical gray bars to indicate geological timeline units if geo == TRUE or regular time intervals (in MYA) if geo == FALSE. |
... |
(various) Additional arguments passed to ggtree::ggtree(). |
A ggplot object
# Standard ancestral state reconstruction example with various aesthetics
# process file
file <- system.file("extdata",
example <- processAncStates(file,
state_labels = c("1" = "Awesome",
"2" = "Beautiful",
"3" = "Cool!"))
# have states vary by color and indicate state pp with size (default)
plotAncStatesMAP(t = example)
# have states vary by color and indicate state pp with size ,
# and add a timeline
plotAncStatesMAP(t = example, timeline = TRUE)
# have states vary by color and symbol, label nodes with pp of states
plotAncStatesMAP(t = example, node_shape_as = "state",
node_size = 4, node_shape = c(15, 17,20),
node_size_as = NULL, node_labels_as = "state_posterior")
# black and white figure - state as symbols and state pp with text
plotAncStatesMAP(t = example, node_color_as = NULL,
node_shape_as = "state", node_shape = c(15, 17,20),
node_size_as = NULL, node_size = 4,
node_labels_as = "state_posterior",
node_color = "grey", state_transparency = 1)
# default with circular tree
plotAncStatesMAP(t = example, tree_layout = "circular")
# Chromosome evolution example
# process file
file <- system.file("extdata",
chromo_example <- processAncStates(file, labels_as_numbers = TRUE)
# plot
plotAncStatesMAP(t = chromo_example, node_color_as = "state_posterior",
node_size_as = "state", node_color = colFun(2),
tip_labels_offset = 0.005, node_labels_as = "state",
node_labels_offset = 0, tip_labels_states = TRUE,
tip_labels_states_offset = 0, tip_states = FALSE)
# DEC example (cladogenetic)
# process file
file <- system.file("extdata", "dec/simple.ase.tre", package="RevGadgets")
labs <- c("1" = "K", "2" = "O", "3" = "M", "4" = "H", "5" = "KO",
"6" = "KM", "7" = "OM", "8" = "KH", "9" = "OH", "10" = "MH", "11" = "KOM",
"12" = "KOH", "13" = "KMH", "14" = "OMH", "15" = "KOMH")
dec_example <- processAncStates(file, state_labels = labs)
# plot
plotAncStatesMAP(t = dec_example,
cladogenetic = TRUE,
tip_labels_offset = 0.5)