RevEcoR-package | The RevEcoR package |
%.% | Compose multiple functions |
anno.species | Annotation profiles of seven well-studied oral species |
calculateCooperationIndex | Calculating the metabolic competition and complementarity index |
competitionIndex | Calculating the species interactions |
complementarityIndex | Calculating the species interactions |
compose | Compose multiple functions |
confidencescore | Conficence score |
confidencescore-method | Conficence score |
confidencescore-methods | Conficence score |
getGsMN | The genome scale metabolic network |
getGsMN-method | The genome scale metabolic network |
getGsMN-methods | The genome scale metabolic network |
getOrgMetabolicData | Get organism metabolic data from KEGG database |
getSeedSets | Identify seed compounds of each organism |
gut_microbiome | Annotation profiles of 116 gut prevalent species |
Interactions | Calculating the species interactions |
kegg_buc | Metabolic profiles of KEGG organism Buchnera aphidicola APS (Acyrthosiphon pisum) (KEGG organism code: buc) |
kegg_ptr | Metabolic profiles of KEGG organism Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) (KEGG organism code: ptr) |
KosarajuSCC | Caculating the strong connected components (SCC) of a network |
len | the length of the seed set |
len-method | the length of the seed set |
len-methods | the length of the seed set |
nonseed | Non seed of the network |
nonseed-method | Non seed of the network |
nonseed-methods | Non seed of the network |
reconstructGsMN | Reconstuction of the specific-organism genome-scale metabolic network |
RefDbcache | Reference data for global metabolic construction The reference metabolic pathway data contains KOs, substrates and products, as well as a constructed reference global network, which used for metabolic network reconstruction |
RevEcoR | The RevEcoR package |
seedset-class | 'seedset-class' |
seedSize | Size of the each seed source component |
seedSize-method | Size of the each seed source component |
seedSize-methods | Size of the each seed source component |
show | The show generic function |
show-method | The show generic function |
show-methods | The show generic function |