hMeanChiSq {ReplicationSuccess} | R Documentation |
harmonic mean chi-squared test
p-values and confidence intervals from the harmonic mean chi-squared test.
w = rep(1, length(z)),
alternative = c("greater", "less", "two.sided", "none"),
bound = FALSE
w = rep(1, length(thetahat)),
mu = 0,
alternative = c("greater", "less", "two.sided", "none"),
bound = FALSE
w = rep(1, length(thetahat)),
alternative = c("two.sided", "greater", "less", "none"),
conf.level = 0.95
z |
Numeric vector of z-values. |
w |
Numeric vector of weights. |
alternative |
Either "greater" (default), "less", "two.sided", or "none". Specifies the alternative to be considered in the computation of the p-value. |
bound |
If |
thetahat |
Numeric vector of parameter estimates. |
se |
Numeric vector of standard errors. |
mu |
The null hypothesis value. Defaults to 0. |
conf.level |
Numeric vector specifying the conf.level of the confidence interval. Defaults to 0.95. summarize the gamma values, i.e., the local minima of the p-value function between the thetahats. Defaults is a vector of 1s. |
: returns the p-values from the harmonic mean chi-squared test
based on the study-specific z-values.
: returns the p-value from the harmonic mean chi-squared test
based on study-specific estimates and standard errors.
: returns a list containing confidence interval(s)
obtained by inverting the harmonic mean chi-squared test based on study-specific
estimates and standard errors. The list contains:
CI |
Confidence interval(s). |
If the alternative
is "none", the list also contains:
gamma |
Local minima of the p-value function between the thetahats. |
Leonhard Held, Florian Gerber
Held, L. (2020). The harmonic mean chi-squared test to substantiate scientific findings. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 69, 697-708. doi:10.1111/rssc.12410
## Example from Fisher (1999) as discussed in Held (2020)
pvalues <- c(0.0245, 0.1305, 0.00025, 0.2575, 0.128)
lower <- c(0.04, 0.21, 0.12, 0.07, 0.41)
upper <- c(1.14, 1.54, 0.60, 3.75, 1.27)
se <- ci2se(lower = lower, upper = upper, ratio = TRUE)
thetahat <- ci2estimate(lower = lower, upper = upper, ratio = TRUE)
## hMeanChiSq() --------
hMeanChiSq(z = p2z(p = pvalues, alternative = "less"),
alternative = "less")
hMeanChiSq(z = p2z(p = pvalues, alternative = "less"),
alternative = "two.sided")
hMeanChiSq(z = p2z(p = pvalues, alternative = "less"),
alternative = "none")
hMeanChiSq(z = p2z(p = pvalues, alternative = "less"),
w = 1 / se^2, alternative = "less")
hMeanChiSq(z = p2z(p = pvalues, alternative = "less"),
w = 1 / se^2, alternative = "two.sided")
hMeanChiSq(z = p2z(p = pvalues, alternative = "less"),
w = 1 / se^2, alternative = "none")
## hMeanChiSqMu() --------
hMeanChiSqMu(thetahat = thetahat, se = se, alternative = "two.sided")
hMeanChiSqMu(thetahat = thetahat, se = se, w = 1 / se^2,
alternative = "two.sided")
hMeanChiSqMu(thetahat = thetahat, se = se, alternative = "two.sided",
mu = -0.1)
## hMeanChiSqCI() --------
## two-sided
CI1 <- hMeanChiSqCI(thetahat = thetahat, se = se, w = 1 / se^2,
alternative = "two.sided")
CI2 <- hMeanChiSqCI(thetahat = thetahat, se = se, w = 1 / se^2,
alternative = "two.sided", conf.level = 0.99875)
## one-sided
CI1b <- hMeanChiSqCI(thetahat = thetahat, se = se, w = 1 / se^2,
alternative = "less", conf.level = 0.975)
CI2b <- hMeanChiSqCI(thetahat = thetahat, se = se, w = 1 / se^2,
alternative = "less", conf.level = 1 - 0.025^2)
## confidence intervals on hazard ratio scale
print(exp(CI1$CI), digits = 2)
print(exp(CI2$CI), digits = 2)
print(exp(CI1b$CI), digits = 2)
print(exp(CI2b$CI), digits = 2)
## example with confidence region consisting of disjunct intervals
thetahat2 <- c(-3.7, 2.1, 2.5)
se2 <- c(1.5, 2.2, 3.1)
conf.level <- 0.95; alpha <- 1 - conf.level
muSeq <- seq(-7, 6, length.out = 1000)
pValueSeq <- hMeanChiSqMu(thetahat = thetahat2, se = se2,
alternative = "none", mu = muSeq)
(hm <- hMeanChiSqCI(thetahat = thetahat2, se = se2, alternative = "none"))
plot(x = muSeq, y = pValueSeq, type = "l", panel.first = grid(lty = 1),
xlab = expression(mu), ylab = "p-value")
abline(v = thetahat2, h = alpha, lty = 2)
arrows(x0 = hm$CI[, 1], x1 = hm$CI[, 2], y0 = alpha,
y1 = alpha, col = "darkgreen", lwd = 3, angle = 90, code = 3)
points(hm$gamma, col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)