ReliabilityTheory-package |
Structural Reliability Theory Toolbox |
cnO2 |
Catalogue of Coherent Networks of Order 2 |
cnO3 |
Catalogue of Coherent Networks of Order 3 |
computeNetworkSignature |
Compute the signature of a system |
computeSystemSignature |
Compute the signature of a system |
computeSystemSurvivalSignature |
Compute the survival signature of a system |
createSystem |
Create a system specification |
expectedNetworkLifetimeExp |
Compute the expected lifetime of a given system |
expectedSignatureLifetimeExp |
Compute the expected lifetime of a given system |
expectedSystemLifetimeExp |
Compute the expected lifetime of a given system |
maskedInferenceEXCHCustom |
Inference for Masked Exchangeable System Lifetimes, Custom Distribution |
maskedInferenceEXCHExponential |
Inference for Masked Exchangeable System Lifetimes, Exponential Components |
maskedInferenceIIDCustom |
Inference for Masked iid System Lifetimes, Custom Distribution |
maskedInferenceIIDExponential |
Inference for Masked iid System Lifetimes, Exponential Components |
nonParBayesSystemInference |
Non-parametric Bayesian posterior predictive system survival inference |
nonParBayesSystemInferencePriorSets |
Non-parametric Bayesian posterior predictive system survival inference using sets of priors |
ReliabilityTheory |
Structural Reliability Theory Toolbox |
sccsO2 |
Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 2 |
sccsO3 |
Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 3 |
sccsO4 |
Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 4 |
sccsO5 |
Catalogue of Simply Connected Coherent Systems of Order 5 |
setCompTypes |
Set component types in a system |
simulateSystem |
Simulate Masked Lifetime Data for a System |
systemGraphToGenerator |
Construct a Continuous-time Markov Chain Generator |