InjusticiaM_desagregada {Relectoral}R Documentation

Utilities. Disaggregated Mathematical Injustice Calculation


The function of this same package called 'InjusticeM()', allows to obtain the mathematical injustice for the dataset that is going going to be used for the study. However, if we want to obtain the mathematical injustice for different geographical areas, a significant effort and time is required to prepare and execute the data. With this function, this process is greatly expedited, if what we want to evaluate are results to the Congress of Deputies in Spain (or its counterpart in other countries), since thanks to this function, the information from the Ministry of Interior can be automatically extracted and processed directly for each province and national data, and the result is returned in a list() type object, where each element corresponds to the result obtained for each province or the total for the whole nation under study.

Likewise, if you have another type of election, you can use the parameter Auto=FALSE, and two data.frame will be provided with the characteristics that will be indicated later. In this way the mathematical injustices will be calculated for each region that is indicated in those data.frames


InjusticiaM_desagregada(Ano, Mes, Ruta, Auto = TRUE, d_votos, d_escanos)



(Mandatory if Auto=TRUE) It is the value of the year of the data to be downloaded. This parameter can be numeric or character (better numeric).


(Mandatory if Auto=TRUE) This is the month in which the election was held. It must be a character with two digits, i.e. "04" is valid but "4" is not.


(Mandatory if Auto=TRUE) A path to the local hard disk where the data from the Ministry of the Interior will be saved must be indicated. Once the download is completed, the downloaded file will be automatically deleted.


Its default value is TRUE and indicates that the procedure is automatic, with another value the non-automatic process will be executed.


(Mandatory if Auto != TRUE). It is a data.frame with the first column containing the name of the region, and then a column for each party to be evaluated, which will contain the votes obtained in each region under study.


(Mandatory if Auto != TRUE).It is a data.frame with the first column containing the name of the region, and then a column for each party to be evaluated, which will contain the seats obtained in each region covered.


The result is a list with 53 elements (for the automatic procedure), so that each element is a matrix containing the data of the calculated mathematical injustice. The 'names' in this list are those of Spanish provinces, or the expression 'Total' if they are the data of all Spain. When the procedure is not automatic, a list is also obtained containing a number of elements equal to the number of regions provided plus one, as there is an element called 'Total' which refers to all the territories provided as a whole.




f<-InjusticiaM_desagregada(2019,"04","F:/") # Aggregated mode

da1 <- data.frame( # Contains the votes

da2 <- data.frame( # Contains the seats

f2<- InjusticiaM_desagregada(Auto=FALSE,d_votos=da1,d_escanos = da2) #No agregegado

[Package Relectoral version 0.1.0 Index]