RegSDChybrid {RegSDC}R Documentation

Regression-based SDC Tools - Generalized microaggregation


Implementation of the methodology in section 6 in the paper


  clusters = NULL,
  xLocal = NULL,
  xGlobal = NULL,
  clusterPieces = NULL,
  xClusterPieces = NULL,
  groupedClusters = NULL,
  xGroupedClusters = NULL,
  alternative = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  ySim = NULL,
  returnParts = FALSE,
  epsAlpha = 1e-07,
  makeunique = TRUE,
  tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)



Matrix of confidential variables


Vector of cluster coding


Matrix of x-variables to be crossed with clusters


Matrix of x-variables NOT to be crossed with clusters


Vector of coding of cluster pieces


Matrix of x-variables to be crossed with cluster pieces


Vector of coding of grouped clusters


Matrix of x-variables to be crossed with grouped clusters


One of "" (default), "a", "b" or "c"


Possible to specify parameter used internally by alternative "c"


Possible to specify the internally simulated data manually


Alternative output six matrices: y1 and y2 (fitted), e3s and e4s (new residuals), e3 and e4 (original residuals)


Precision constant for alpha calculation


Parameter to be used in GenQR


Parameter to Cdiff used within the algorithm


Input matrices are subjected to EnsureMatrix. Necessary constant terms (intercept) are automatically included. That is, a column of ones is not needed in the input matrices.


Generated version of y


Øyvind Langsrud


# Generate example data for introductory examples
y <- matrix(rnorm(30) + 1:30, 10, 3)
x <- matrix(1:10, 10, 1)  # x <- 1:10 is equivalent

# Same as RegSDCipso(y)
yOut <- RegSDChybrid(y)

# With a single cluster both are same as RegSDCipso(y, x)
yOut <- RegSDChybrid(y, xLocal = x)
yOut <- RegSDChybrid(y, xGlobal = x)

# Define two clusters
clust <- rep(1:2, each = 5)

# MHa and MHb in paper
yMHa <- RegSDChybrid(y, clusters = clust, xLocal = x)
yMHb <- RegSDChybrid(y, clusterPieces = clust, xLocal = x)

# An extended variant of MHb as mentioned in paper paragraph below definition of MHa/MHb
yMHbExt <- RegSDChybrid(y, clusterPieces = clust, xClusterPieces = x)

# Identical means within clusters
aggregate(y, list(clust = clust), mean)
aggregate(yMHa, list(clust = clust), mean)
aggregate(yMHb, list(clust = clust), mean)
aggregate(yMHbExt, list(clust = clust), mean)

# Identical global regression results
summary(lm(y[, 1] ~ x))
summary(lm(yMHa[, 1] ~ x))
summary(lm(yMHb[, 1] ~ x))
summary(lm(yMHbExt[, 1] ~ x))

# MHa: Identical local regression results
summary(lm(y[, 1] ~ x, subset = clust == 1))
summary(lm(yMHa[, 1] ~ x, subset = clust == 1))

# MHb: Different results
summary(lm(yMHb[, 1] ~ x, subset = clust == 1))

# MHbExt: Same estimates and different std. errors
summary(lm(yMHbExt[, 1] ~ x, subset = clust == 1))

#  Generate example data for more advanced examples
x <- matrix((1:90) * (1 + runif(90)), 30, 3)
x1 <- x[, 1]
x2 <- x[, 2]
x3 <- x[, 3]
y <- matrix(rnorm(90), 30, 3) + x
clust <- paste("c", rep(1:3, each = 10), sep = "")

######## Run main algorithm
z0 <- RegSDChybrid(y, clusters = clust, xLocal = x3, xGlobal = cbind(x1, x2))

# Corresponding models by lm
lmy <- lm(y ~ clust + x1 + x2 + x3:clust)
lm0 <- lm(z0 ~ clust + x1 + x2 + x3:clust)

# Preserved regression coef (x3 within clusters)
coef(lmy) - coef(lm0)

# Preservation of x3 coef locally can also be seen by local regression
coef(lm(y ~ x3, subset = clust == "c2")) - coef(lm(z0 ~ x3, subset = clust == "c2"))

# Covariance matrix preserved
cov(resid(lmy)) - cov(resid(lm0))

# But not preserved within clusters
cov(resid(lmy)[clust == "c2", ]) - cov(resid(lm0)[clust == "c2", ])

######## Modification (a)
za <- RegSDChybrid(y, clusters = clust, xLocal = x3, xGlobal = cbind(x1, x2), alternative = "a")
lma <- lm(za ~ clust + x1 + x2 + x3:clust)

# Now covariance matrices preserved within clusters
cov(resid(lmy)[clust == "c2", ]) - cov(resid(lma)[clust == "c2", ])

# If we estimate coef for x1 and x2 within clusters, 
# they become identical and identical to global estimates
coef(lm(za ~ clust + x1:clust + x2:clust + x3:clust))

######## Modification (c) with automatic calculation of alpha 
# The result depends on the randomly generated data
# When the result is that alpha=1, modification (b) is equivalent
zc <- RegSDChybrid(y, clusters = clust, xLocal = x3, xGlobal = cbind(x1, x2), alternative = "c")
lmc <- lm(zc ~ clust + x1 + x2 + x3:clust)

# Preserved regression coef as above
coef(lmy) - coef(lmc)

# Again covariance matrices preserved within clusters
cov(resid(lmy)[clust == "c2", ]) - cov(resid(lmc)[clust == "c2", ])

# If we estimate coef for x1 and x2 within clusters, 
# results are different from modification (a) above
coef(lm(zc ~ clust + x1:clust + x2:clust + x3:clust))

# Make groups of clusters (d) and cluster pieces (e)
clustGr <- paste("gr", ceiling(rep(1:3, each = 10)/2 + 0.1), sep = "")
clustP <- c("a", "a", rep("b", 28))

######## Modifications (c), (d) and (e)
zGrP <- RegSDChybrid(y, clusters = clust, clusterPieces = clustP, groupedClusters = clustGr,
                     xLocal = x3, xGroupedClusters = x2, xGlobal = x1, alternative = "c")

# Corresponding models by lm
lmGrP <- lm(zGrP ~ clust:clustP + x1 + x2:clustGr + x3:clust - 1)
lmY <- lm(y ~ clust:clustP + x1 + x2:clustGr + x3:clust - 1)

# Preserved regression coef
coef(lmY) - coef(lmGrP)

# Identical means within cluster pieces
aggregate(y, list(clust = clust, clustP = clustP), mean)
aggregate(zGrP, list(clust = clust, clustP = clustP), mean)

# Covariance matrix preserved
cov(resid(lmY)) - cov(resid(lmGrP))

# Covariance matrices preserved within clusters
cov(resid(lmY)[clust == "c2", ]) - cov(resid(lmGrP)[clust == "c2", ])

# Covariance matrices not preserved within cluster pieces
cov(resid(lmY)[clustP == "a", ]) - cov(resid(lmGrP)[clustP == "a", ])

[Package RegSDC version 0.7.0 Index]