Cite {RefManageR}R Documentation

Cite a BibEntry object in text and print all citations


The Cite functions allow for citing a BibEntry object in text. The PrintBibliography function allows for printing the bibliography of all the cited entries. The NoCite function adds references to the bibliography without including a citation. These functions are most useful when used in, e.g., a RMarkdown or RHTML document.


Cite(bib, ..., textual = FALSE, before = NULL, after = NULL, .opts = list())

PrintBibliography(bib, .opts = list(), start = 1, end = length(bib))

Citep(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL, .opts = list())

AutoCite(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL, .opts = list())

Citet(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL, .opts = list())

TextCite(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL, .opts = list())

NoCite(bib, ..., .opts = list())



a BibEntry or bibentry object


passed to SearchBib for indexing into bib. A character vector of keys, for example.


logical; if TRUE, a “textual” citation is produced, i.e. what is produced by \citet in natbib and \textcite in BibLaTeX; otherwise, a parenthetical citation as \citep and \autocite.


string; optional text to display before the citation.


string; optional text to display after the citation.


list; See the relevant section in BibOptions for a description of all valid options for these functions.


Integer; specifying the index of the first citation to print. Useful for printing long bibliographies on multiple pages/slides.


Integer; specifying the index of the last citation to print. Useful for printing long bibliographies on multiple pages/slides.


See the package vignettes and execute the examples below.

If = "alphabetic" or = "numeric", then sorting needs to be done at the start of the document prior to using a cite function as sorting is not done by the PrintBibliography function for those styles (specifying sorting in .opts is ignored in this case). If no sorting is done, the references are listed in the order they were cited in for those two styles.

If the ... argument to NoCite is identical to “*”, then all references in bib are added to the bibliography without citations.


For the cite functions: a character string containing the citation

PrintBibliography: The formatted list of references.

NoCite: no return value; invoked for its side-effect.

See Also

print.BibEntry, BibOptions, citeNatbib, the package vignettes bib <-


if (requireNamespace("bibtex")) {
    file <- system.file("Bib", "biblatexExamples.bib", package = "RefManageR")
    BibOptions(check.entries = FALSE)
    bib <- ReadBib(file)
    Citet(bib, 12)
    NoCite(bib, title = "Alkanethiolate")
    PrintBibliography(bib, .opts = list(style = "latex",
             = "authoryear"))
## Not run: 
  if (requireNamespace("bibtex")){
    Citep(bib, c("loh", "geer"), .opts = list( = "numeric"),
          before = "see e.g., ")
    Citet(bib, "loh", .opts = list( = "numeric", super = TRUE))
    AutoCite(bib, eprinttype = "arxiv", .opts = list( = "authoryear"))
    AutoCite(bib, eprinttype = "arxiv", .opts = list( = "pandoc"))
    Citep(bib, author = "kant")
    ## shorthand field in both entries gets used for numeric and alphabetic labels
    TextCite(bib, author = "kant", .opts = list( = "alphabetic"))
    TextCite(bib, author = "kant", .opts = list( = "numeric"))
    TextCite(bib, author = "kant", .opts = list( = "alphabetic",
             style = "html"))
    punct <- unlist(BibOptions("bibpunct"))
    punct[3:4] <- c("(", ")")
    TextCite(bib, 33, .opts = list(bibpunct = punct, = "alphabetic"))

    BibOptions(restore.defaults = TRUE)

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
## See also TestNumeric.Rmd and TestAlphabetic.Rmd for more examples
old.dir <- setwd(tdir <- tempdir())
doc <- system.file("Rmd", "TestRmd.Rmd", package = "RefManageR")
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html", tmpdir = tdir)
knit2html(doc, tmpfile)

doc <- system.file("Rhtml", "TestAuthorYear.Rhtml", package = "RefManageR")
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html", tmpdir = tdir)
knit2html(doc, tmpfile)

## End(Not run)

[Package RefManageR version 1.4.0 Index]