check_matrix {ReDirection}R Documentation



This function of the package 'ReDirection' checks whether the user-defined stoichiometry matrix is suitable for further processing.


check_matrix(input_mat, rxy)



This is the user-defined stoichiometry matrix of a generic metabolic network and is a mandatory argument.


A mandatory logical argument that indicates the orientation of reactions as rows (TRUE) or columns (FALSE) of the user-defined stoichiometry matrix.


'ReDirection', is reaction-centric. This means that the computations and results are solely based on the reactions. The number of unique reactions must exceed the number of reactants (reactions >= reactants + 2).

Additionally, 'ReDirection' must know if the reactions are represented as rows (TRUE) or columns (FALSE).

'ReDirection', also checks for linear dependence (rows, columns) and removes the same. This can perturb the indices of the matrix and users are advised to check the input stoichiometry matrix a priori.

The checked and modified matrix is returned and processed further.


output_mat A checked and modified version of the stoichiometry matrix which is returned for further computations.

flag An indicator of the suitability of the user-defined input stoichiometry matrix for further computations.

[Package ReDirection version 1.0.1 Index]