Concentration-Response Data Analysis using Curvep

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Documentation for package ‘Rcurvep’ version 1.3.1

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cal_knee_point Calculate the knee point on the exponential-like curve
combi_run_rcurvep Run Curvep on datasets of concentration-response data with a combination of Curvep parameters
create_dataset Create concentration-response datasets that can be applied in the 'run_rcurvep()'
curvep The Curvep function to process one set of concentration-response data
curvep_defaults Default parameters of Curvep
estimate_dataset_bmr Estimate benchmark response (BMR) for each dataset
fit_cc2_modl Fit concentration-response data using Curve Class2 approach
fit_modls Fit one set of concentration-response data using types of models
get_hill_fit_config Get the default configurations for the Hill fit
merge_rcurvep_objs Merge results from multiple rcurvep objects
plot.rcurvep_bmr Plot BMR diagnostic curves
run_fit Run parametric fits using types of models on concentration-response datasets
run_rcurvep Run Curvep on datasets of concentration-response data
summarize_fit_output Summarize the results from the parametric fitting using types of models
summarize_rcurvep_output Clean and summarize the output of rcurvep object
zfishbeh Subsets of concentration response datasets from zebrafish neurotoxicity assays
zfishdev Subsets of concentration response datasets from zebrafish developmental toxicity assays
zfishdev_act Activity output based on simulated datasets using zfishdev_all dataset
zfishdev_all Full sets of concentration response datasets from zebrafish developmental toxicity assays