formatter {RcppSpdlog}R Documentation

Simple Pass-Through Formatter to fmt::format()


The C-level interface of R does not make it easy to pass ... arguments. This helper function assumes it has already been called with format() on each argument (as a wrapper can do) so it just spreads out the class to fmt::format{} which, being C++, uses variadic templates to receive the arguments. The main motivation for this function to able to format string as use by the ‘fmtlib::fmt’ library included in ‘spdlog’ to write similar debug strings in both R and C++. This function permits R calls with multiple arguments of different types which (by being formatted on the R side) are handled as strings (whereas C++ logging has access to the templating logic).


formatter(s, v)



A character variable with a format string for ‘fmtlib::fmt’


A character vector with the logging string arguments.


A single (formatted) string

See Also

[Package RcppSpdlog version 0.0.17 Index]