project {RcppML}R Documentation

Project a linear factor model


Solves the equation A = wh for either h or w given either w or h and A


project(A, w = NULL, h = NULL, nonneg = TRUE, L1 = 0, mask_zeros = FALSE)



matrix of features-by-samples in dense or sparse format (preferred classes are "matrix" or "Matrix::dgCMatrix", respectively). Prefer sparse storage when more than half of all values are zero.


dense matrix of factors x features giving the linear model to be projected (if h = NULL)


dense matrix of factors x samples giving the linear model to be projected (if w = NULL)


enforce non-negativity


L1/LASSO penalty to be applied. No scaling is performed. See details.


handle zeros as missing values, available only when A is sparse


For the classical alternating least squares matrix factorization update problem A = wh, the updates (or projection) of h is given by the equation:

w^Twh = wA_j

which is in the form ax = b where a = w^Tw x = h and b = wA_j for all columns j in A.

Given A, project can solve for either w or h given the other:

Parallelization. Least squares projections in factorizations of rank-3 and greater are parallelized using the number of threads set by setRcppMLthreads. By default, all available threads are used, see getRcppMLthreads. The overhead of parallization is too great for rank-1 and -2 factorization.

L1 Regularization. Any L1 penalty is subtracted from b and should generally be scaled to max(b), where b = WA_j for all columns j in A. An easy way to properly scale an L1 penalty is to normalize all columns in w to sum to 1. No scaling is applied in this function. Such scaling guarantees that L1 = 1 gives a completely sparse solution.

Specializations. There are specializations for symmetric input matrices, and for rank-1 and rank-2 projections. See documentation for nmf for theoretical details and guidance.

Publication reference. For theoretical and practical considerations, please see our manuscript: "DeBruine ZJ, Melcher K, Triche TJ (2021) High-performance non-negative matrix factorization for large single cell data." on BioRXiv.


matrix h or w


Zach DeBruine


DeBruine, ZJ, Melcher, K, and Triche, TJ. (2021). "High-performance non-negative matrix factorization for large single-cell data." BioRXiv.

See Also

nnls, nmf


## Not run: 
w <- matrix(runif(1000 * 10), 1000, 10)
h_true <- matrix(runif(10 * 100), 10, 100)
# A is the crossproduct of "w" and "h" with 10% signal dropout
A <- (w %*% h_true) * (rsparsematrix(1000, 100, 0.9) > 0)
h <- project(A, w)
cor(as.vector(h_true), as.vector(h))

# alternating projections refine solution (like NMF)
mse_bad <- mse(A, w, rep(1, ncol(w)), h) # mse before alternating updates
h <- project(A, w = w)
w <- project(A, h = h)
h <- project(A, w)
w <- project(A, h = h)
h <- project(A, w)
w <- t(project(A, h = h))
mse_better <- mse(A, w, rep(1, ncol(w)), h) # mse after alternating updates
mse_better < mse_bad

# two ways to solve for "w" that give the same solution
w <- project(A, h = h)
w2 <- project(t(A), w = t(h))
all.equal(w, w2)

## End(Not run)

[Package RcppML version 0.3.7 Index]