RcppNumericVectorExample {RcppExamples}R Documentation

Rcpp NumericVector example


Example on how to use a NumericVector and manipulate it with the STL.


    NumericVector orig ;                 // from R
    NumericVector vec(orig.size());	 // create a target vector of the same size
    // we could query size via
    //   int n = vec.size();
    // and loop over the vector, but using the STL is so much nicer
    // so we use a STL transform() algorithm on each element
    std::transform(orig.begin(), orig.end(), vec.begin(), sqrt_double );

    return List::create(Named("result") = vec, 
                        Named("original") = orig);

As shown in the example section, provided the seed is reset, the exact same draws can be obtained in R itself – which is important for reproducibility.


Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois



[Package RcppExamples version 0.1.9 Index]