RcppDateExample {RcppExamples} | R Documentation |
C++ classes for interfacing date and datetime R objects
Rcpp has the classes Rcpp::Date
, Rcpp::Datetime
and Rcpp::DatetimeVector
In the C++
code for the RcppDateExample.cpp
// [[Rcpp::export]] List DateExample(DateVector & dv, DatetimeVector & dtv) { Function formatDate("format.Date"); Function formatDatetime("format.POSIXct"); Rprintf("\nIn C++, seeing the following date value\n"); for (int i=0; i<dv.size(); i++) { Rcout << as<std::string>(formatDate(wrap(dv[i]))) << std::endl; dv[i] = dv[i] + 7; // shift a week } Rprintf("\nIn C++, seeing the following datetime value\n"); for (int i=0; i<dtv.size(); i++) { Rcout << as<std::string>(formatDatetime(wrap(dtv[i]))) << std::endl; dtv[i] = dtv[i] + 0.250; // shift 250 millisec } // Build result set to be returned as a list to R. return List::create(Named("date", dv), Named("datetime", dtv)); }
Dominick Samperi wrote the initial versions of Rcpp (and RcppTemplate) during 2005 and 2006. Dirk Eddelbuettel made some additions, and became maintainer in 2008. Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois have been extending Rcpp since 2009.
Writing R Extensions, available at https://www.r-project.org.
# set up date and datetime vectors
dvec <- Sys.Date() + -2:2
dtvec <- Sys.time() + (-2:2)*0.5
# call the underlying C++ function
result <- RcppDateExample(dvec, dtvec)
# inspect returned object
[Package RcppExamples version 0.1.9 Index]