Examples using 'RcppClassic' to Interface R and C++

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Documentation for package ‘RcppClassicExamples’ version 0.1.3

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RcppClassicExamples-package Examples for the deprecated Rcpp R/C++ Interface library API
print.RcppExample Rcpp R / C++ interface example - deprecated API
RcppClassicExamples Examples for the deprecated Rcpp R/C++ Interface library API
RcppDataFrame Rcpp::DataFrame example for Rcpp - deprecated API
RcppDate C++ classes for interfacing date and datetime R objects - deprecated API
RcppDateExample C++ classes for interfacing date and datetime R objects - deprecated API
RcppDatetime C++ classes for interfacing date and datetime R objects - deprecated API
RcppDatetimeVector C++ classes for interfacing date and datetime R objects - deprecated API
RcppDateVector C++ classes for interfacing date and datetime R objects - deprecated API
RcppExample Rcpp R / C++ interface example - deprecated API
RcppMatrix C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API
RcppMatrixExample C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API
RcppMatrixView C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API
RcppParams C++ class for receiving (scalar) parameters from R - deprecated API
RcppParamsExample C++ class for receiving (scalar) parameters from R - deprecated API
RcppResultSet C++ class for sending C++ objects back to R - deprecated API
RcppStringVector C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API
RcppStringVectorExample C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API
RcppVector C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API
RcppVectorExample C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API
RcppVectorView C++ classes for receiving R object in C++ - deprecated API