colCtr |
Correspondence analysis helper functions |
colSubsetCa |
Correspondence analysis helper functions |
cooccurrentTerms |
Show terms co-occurrences |
copyPlotToOutput |
Output results to HTML file |
copyTableToOutput |
Output results to HTML file |
corpusCaDlg |
Correspondence analysis from a tm corpus |
corpusClustDlg |
Hierarchical clustering of a tm corpus |
corpusDissimilarity |
Cross-Dissimilarity Table |
createClustersDlg |
Cut hierarchical clustering tree into clusters |
disableBlackAndWhite |
Output results to HTML file |
dissimilarityTableDlg |
Documents/Variables Dissimilarity Table |
doSetCorpusVariables |
Set corpus variables |
editDictionary |
Import a corpus and process it |
enableBlackAndWhite |
Output results to HTML file |
extractMetadata |
Import a corpus and process it |
freqTermsDlg |
List most frequent terms of a corpus |
frequentTerms |
List most frequent terms of a corpus |
GDf-class |
Class '"GDf"' | |
Output results to HTML file |
HTML.list |
Output results to HTML file |
importCorpusDlg |
Import a corpus and process it |
importCorpusFromAlceste |
Import a corpus and process it |
importCorpusFromDir |
Import a corpus and process it |
importCorpusFromEuropresse |
Import a corpus and process it |
importCorpusFromFactiva |
Import a corpus and process it |
importCorpusFromFile |
Import a corpus and process it |
importCorpusFromLexisNexis |
Import a corpus and process it |
importCorpusFromTwitter |
Import a corpus and process it |
initOutputFile |
Output results to HTML file |
inspectCorpus |
Inspect corpus |
openOutputFile |
Output results to HTML file |
plotCorpusCa |
Plotting 2D maps in correspondence analysis of corpus |
recodeTimeVarDlg |
Recode Date/Time Variable |
restoreCorpus |
Subset Corpus by Terms |
restrictTermsDlg |
Select or exclude terms |
rowCtr |
Correspondence analysis helper functions |
rowSubsetCa |
Correspondence analysis helper functions |
runCorpusCa |
Correspondence analysis from a tm corpus |
setCorpusVariables |
Set corpus variables |
setLastTable |
Save the name of last table and give a title |
setOutputFile |
Output results to HTML file |
showCorpusCa |
Show a correspondence analysis from a tm corpus |
showCorpusCaDlg |
Show a correspondence analysis from a tm corpus |
showCorpusClustering |
Cut hierarchical clustering tree into clusters |
specificTerms |
List terms specific of a document or level |
specificTermsDlg |
List terms specific of a document or level |
splitTexts |
Import a corpus and process it |
subsetCorpusByTermsDlg |
Subset Corpus by Terms |
subsetCorpusByVarDlg |
Subset Corpus by Levels of a Variable | |
Output results to HTML file |
termCoocDlg |
Show co-occurrent terms |
termFreqDlg |
Term frequencies in the corpus |
termFrequencies |
Frequency of chosen terms in the corpus |
termsDictionary |
Dictionary of terms found in a corpus |
termsDictionaryAlpha |
Dictionary of terms found in a corpus |
termsDictionaryOcc |
Dictionary of terms found in a corpus |
termTimeSeriesDlg |
Temporal Evolution of Occurrences |
varCrossTableDlg |
Two-way table of corpus meta-data variables |
varTableDlg |
One-way table of a corpus meta-data variable |
varTimeSeriesDlg |
Corpus Temporal Evolution |
vocabularyDlg |
Vocabulary Summary |
vocabularyTable |
Vocabulary summary table |