Graphical Integrated Text Mining Solution

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Documentation for package ‘RcmdrPlugin.temis’ version 0.7.10

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colCtr Correspondence analysis helper functions
colSubsetCa Correspondence analysis helper functions
cooccurrentTerms Show terms co-occurrences
copyPlotToOutput Output results to HTML file
copyTableToOutput Output results to HTML file
corpusCaDlg Correspondence analysis from a tm corpus
corpusClustDlg Hierarchical clustering of a tm corpus
corpusDissimilarity Cross-Dissimilarity Table
createClustersDlg Cut hierarchical clustering tree into clusters
disableBlackAndWhite Output results to HTML file
dissimilarityTableDlg Documents/Variables Dissimilarity Table
doSetCorpusVariables Set corpus variables
editDictionary Import a corpus and process it
enableBlackAndWhite Output results to HTML file
extractMetadata Import a corpus and process it
freqTermsDlg List most frequent terms of a corpus
frequentTerms List most frequent terms of a corpus
GDf-class Class '"GDf"' Output results to HTML file
HTML.list Output results to HTML file
importCorpusDlg Import a corpus and process it
importCorpusFromAlceste Import a corpus and process it
importCorpusFromDir Import a corpus and process it
importCorpusFromEuropresse Import a corpus and process it
importCorpusFromFactiva Import a corpus and process it
importCorpusFromFile Import a corpus and process it
importCorpusFromLexisNexis Import a corpus and process it
importCorpusFromTwitter Import a corpus and process it
initOutputFile Output results to HTML file
inspectCorpus Inspect corpus
openOutputFile Output results to HTML file
plotCorpusCa Plotting 2D maps in correspondence analysis of corpus
recodeTimeVarDlg Recode Date/Time Variable
restoreCorpus Subset Corpus by Terms
restrictTermsDlg Select or exclude terms
rowCtr Correspondence analysis helper functions
rowSubsetCa Correspondence analysis helper functions
runCorpusCa Correspondence analysis from a tm corpus
setCorpusVariables Set corpus variables
setLastTable Save the name of last table and give a title
setOutputFile Output results to HTML file
showCorpusCa Show a correspondence analysis from a tm corpus
showCorpusCaDlg Show a correspondence analysis from a tm corpus
showCorpusClustering Cut hierarchical clustering tree into clusters
specificTerms List terms specific of a document or level
specificTermsDlg List terms specific of a document or level
splitTexts Import a corpus and process it
subsetCorpusByTermsDlg Subset Corpus by Terms
subsetCorpusByVarDlg Subset Corpus by Levels of a Variable Output results to HTML file
termCoocDlg Show co-occurrent terms
termFreqDlg Term frequencies in the corpus
termFrequencies Frequency of chosen terms in the corpus
termsDictionary Dictionary of terms found in a corpus
termsDictionaryAlpha Dictionary of terms found in a corpus
termsDictionaryOcc Dictionary of terms found in a corpus
termTimeSeriesDlg Temporal Evolution of Occurrences
varCrossTableDlg Two-way table of corpus meta-data variables
varTableDlg One-way table of a corpus meta-data variable
varTimeSeriesDlg Corpus Temporal Evolution
vocabularyDlg Vocabulary Summary
vocabularyTable Vocabulary summary table