RcmdrPlugin.orloca-package {RcmdrPlugin.orloca}R Documentation

A GUI for Continuous Planar Location Problems


RcmdrPlugin.orloca provides a GUI for the orloca package as a Rcmdr plug-in. The package deals with continuos location problems on the plane.

In order to use the full power of the Rcmdr interface, the data for location problems are stored as data.frame objects. These data.frame objects are converted on the fly to loca.p objects (the type of objects that are handle by orloca package). The data.frame should have at least three columns: x, y, and w, without NA's values. See loca.p for details.

The main functions of orloca packages are available throughout the GUI. These functions include: data manipulation, plot of the demand points set and the objective function, and also the resolution of the weighted minsum location problem.


Package: RcmdrPlugin.orloca
Type: Package
Version: 4.8.2
Date: 2021-05-07
License: GPL version 3 or newer


Manuel Munoz-Marquez <manuel.munoz@uca.es>

Maintainer: Manuel Munoz-Marquez <manuel.munoz@uca.es>

See Also

For more information see Rcmdr-package and orloca-package.

Para ayuda en español, véase RcmdrPlugin.orloca.es. (For Spanish help see RcmdrPlugin.orloca.es.)

[Package RcmdrPlugin.orloca version 4.8.2 Index]