predictMenu {RcmdrPlugin.UCA}R Documentation

Menu option to make predictions using active model


The menu entry "Predict using active model", in models menu, has two options to predict data using active model depending on how the data for predictor variables will be provided.

The first entry is "Input data and predict". If you select this option a new data set, as a data.frame, will be created and the editor will be invoked. Then you can entry the values of the predictor variable that you want to use for prediction, the values for non predictor variables are not required. When you close the data editor the predicted values for predicted variable are shown.

The second menu entry "Add predictions to existing dataset..." allows to us to add predictions to existing dataset that provides the data values for all predictor variables. After selecting this option, the user can select an existing data set using dialog box.

If the data set does not provides the values for all predicting variables an error will occur and no predicted values will be provided.

Unlike the menu option "Add observation statistics to data...", this option can be used with a different data set than the one used to construct the model, if that dataset provides the values for all the predictor variables.


Here is an example of use of "Input data and predict" menu entry.

Load data "Chile" selecting from Rcmdr menu: "Data" -> "Data in packages" -> "Read data set from an attached package..." then double-click on "car", click on "Chile" and on "OK".

Rcmdr reply with the following command in source pane (R Script)

data(Chile, package="car")

To build a model select from Rcmdr menu: "Statistics" -> "Model fit" -> "Linear Regresion...". As "Response variable" select income and age as "Explanatory variables" and click on "OK". Rcmdr reply with the following command in source pane (R Script)

RegModel.1 <- lm(income~age, data=Chile)


Note that the active model is set to RegModel.1. So if you want to predict a new value for a 35 and 40 age person. Select from Rcmdr menu: "Models" -> "Predict using active model" -> "Input data and predict". In age column input 35 and 40 and then close the editor. Rcmdr reply with the following command in source pane (R Script)

.data <- edit(Chile[0,])


predict(RegModel.1, .data)


And output the predicted value of income for that age using active model (RegModel.1)

Here is an example of use of "Add predictions to existing dataset..." menu entry.

Load data "Chile" selecting from Rcmdr menu: "Data" -> "Data in packages" -> "Read data set from an attached package..." then double-click on "car", click on "Chile" and "OK".

Rcmdr reply with the following command in source pane (R Script)

data(Chile, package="car")

To build a model select from Rcmdr menu: "Statistics" -> "Model fit" -> "Linear Regresion..." as "Response variable" select income and age as "Explanatory variables" and click on "OK". Rcmdr reply with the following command in source pane (R Script)

RegModel.1 <- lm(income~age, data=Chile)


Note that the active model is set to RegModel.1 So if you want to predict the values for income for age data in Chile dataset. Select from Rcmdr menu: "Models" -> "Predict using active model" -> "Add predictions to existing dataset...". In the dialog select a compatible dataset with the model. In this case select Chile. Rcmdr reply with the following command in source pane (R Script)

Chile$fitted <- predict(RegModel.1, Chile)

The predicted value of income has been saved as fitted in the selected dataset (Chile)


Manuel Munoz-Marquez <>

See Also

For more information see Rcmdr-package.

Para ayuda en español, véase Menú predicciones (es). (For Spanish help see Menú predicciones (es).)

[Package RcmdrPlugin.UCA version 5.1-1 Index]