R Commander Plug-in for Risk Demonstration

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Documentation for package ‘RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo’ version 3.2

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RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo-package R Commander Plug-in for Risk Demonstration
bondCurve Drawing forward and yield curves
bondFigure Bond price as a function of interest rate.
bondPrice Computing bond prices
computeRuin Ruin probability computation with infinite time horizon
computeRuinFinite Ruin probability computation with finite time horizon
countries.mort Mortality data
covidSmooth Kalman smoothing of the covid model
dataCovid COVID-19 statistics
dataCovidFin Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Finland
drawBars Plotting epidemic statistics
drawBarsFin Plotting epidemic statistics with Finnish data
drawFigure Efficient frontier and return distribution figures
drawIncidence Plotting incidence curves of an epidemic
drawIncidenceFin Plotting incidence curves of an epidemic with Finnish data
drawPositiveRate Plotting the positive rate of COVID-19 tests or the tests per case
drawRuin Plotting simulations of a surplus process
drawTests Plotting time series related to COVID-19 testing
fin Mortality data for Finland
fin.fcast Finnish mortality forecast
fin.lca Lee-Carter model fit for Finnish data
loglikCovid Computing the log-likelihood of the covid model
params Yield curve parameter data
plotForecast Forecasting new covid cases
plotR Plotting the effective reproduction number (R)
pop.pred Population forecasting
popRegionsFin Population data on Finnish hospital districts
portfOptim Portfolio optimization for an index model
RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo R Commander Plug-in for Risk Demonstration
returns Computing expected returns and their covariance matrix
solveLund Solving Lund's exponent
solveYield Computing bond yields
stock.price Computing stock prices
stockData Stock data